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Doc No
Current StatusUnder Review By
23-24-34BOR Staff Awards 2023-2024 YesUnder ReviewBoard of Regents Review
23-24-32Resolution on the USM Policy I-1.00 – Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of FacultyYesUnder ReviewFaculty Affairs Committee
23-24-30Resolution to Protect Prescription Insurance for Maryland State Retirees YesCompleted
23-24-29PCC Proposal to Rename the College of Information Studies to the College of InformationYesComplete
23-24-28Request to Review University of Maryland Policy and Procedures Concerning the Acquisition of Telecommunication Services and Equipment (X-3.03[A])YesUnder ReviewIT Council
23-24-27Proposal for Bereavement Policies and Practices Toward an Inclusive Community of CareYesUnder ReviewAcademic Procedures & Standards (APAS) Committee
23-24-26PCC Proposal to Rename the Bachelor of Science in "Community Health" to "Public Health Practice"YesComplete
23-24-25PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Public AdministrationYesPending Approval
23-24-24PCC Proposal: Establish a Master of Science in Climate Finance and Risk ManagementYesPending Approval
23-24-23PCC Proposal to Establish a Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational HealthYesComplete
23-24-22PCC Proposal to Establish a Bachelor's Program in International RelationsYesPending Approval
23-24-19PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Quantum ComputingYesComplete
23-24-18Review of the Interim University of Maryland Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor SpacesYesUnder ReviewCampus Affairs Committee
23-24-17Procedural Update to VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual MisconductYesUnder ReviewStudent Conduct Committee
23-24-16Technical and Legal Updates to VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual MisconductYesComplete
23-24-15Technical and Legal Updates to VI-1.00(B) University of Maryland Non-Discrimination Policy and ProceduresYesComplete
23-24-14Nominations Committee Slate 2023-2024YesComplete
23-24-13PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Applied Machine LearningYesComplete
23-24-12PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyYesComplete
23-24-11PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Data ScienceYesComplete
23-24-10Revisions to the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Plan of OrganizationYesComplete
23-24-09Revision to the Robert H. Smith School of Business Plan of OrganizationYesComplete
23-24-08PCC Proposal to Rename the Bachelor of Arts in "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies" YesComplete
23-24-07PCC Proposal to Rename the Upper Division Certificate in "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies" YesComplete
23-24-06PCC Proposal to Rename the Department of "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies"YesComplete
23-24-05Proposal to Modify the Student Conduct Modification Regarding Housing TerminationYesComplete
23-24-04Proposal to Review the Interim University of Maryland Organizational Conflicts of Interest Policy [II-3.10(F)]YesUnder ReviewResearch Council
23-24-03PCC Proposal to Establish a Bachelor of Science in Global HealthYesCompleted
23-24-02Approval of the 2023-2024 Committee & Council SlatesYesComplete
23-24-012022-2023 Legislation LogYesComplete
22-23-24PCC Proposal to Establish a Post-Master's Certificate in Supporting Immigrant Students for Professional School CounselorsYesComplete
22-23-23Proposal to Increase CUSF and CUSS Senate connectionsYesUnder ReviewPlan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
22-23-22Proposal to Amend Bylaws of the University Senate: inclusion of the process for Intellectual Property Committee membership YesComplete
22-23-21Request to review UMD Policy X-3.06(A) on University Funded Cellular Telephones and ServiceYesComplete
22-23-20Request to review UMD Policy X-3.01(A) Concerning Telephone BillingYesUnder Review
22-23-19Proposal to Amend the Reasonable Accommodations Guidance in the UMD Policy on Excused Absence [V-1.00 (G)]YesUnder ReviewSenate Executive Committee (SEC)
22-23-17Technical Revisions to the University of Maryland Procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of CommitmentYesComplete
22-23-13Review of the Interim University of Maryland Consulting Policy (II-3.10[E])YesUnder ReviewResearch Council
21-22-35Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC) Review of the Relationship Between the Senate and the University’s Student OrganizationsYesUnder ReviewPlan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
21-22-30Review of the University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared GovernanceYesUnder ReviewPlan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
21-22-16Implementation of a SGA Ex-Officio Representative on the Senate Standing Committee for Academic Procedures and StandardsYesUnder ReviewSenate Executive Committee (SEC)
21-22-13Student Fee ProcessYesUnder ReviewVice President for Finance & Chief Financial Officer
21-22-11Revision to the Final Exam Provision in the University of Maryland Policy on the Conduct of Undergraduate Courses and Student Grievance ProcedureYesComplete
20-21-14Review of the University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of CommitmentYesUnder ReviewResearch Council
19-20-33Review of the University of Maryland Policy on Threatening and Intimidating ConductYesUnder ReviewEquity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee
19-20-24Revisions to the School of Public Policy (PLCY) Plan of OrganizationYesComplete
19-20-15Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) Senate RepresentationYesUnder ReviewElections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee
13-14-37Revisions to the School of Public Health (SPHL) Plan of OrganizationYesUnder ReviewElections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee