Council of University System Staff (CUSS)

Contact: Meredith Carpenter (

Contact: David Turner (

The University System of Maryland (USM) Council of University System Staff (CUSS) provides non-faculty employees of USM institutions, who are not part of a collective bargaining unit represented by a union, with a voice in the governance of the USM. Through the council, all staff have the opportunity to influence decisions affecting the System Staff's interests. 

CUSS meets approximately once per month and the location rotates among the USM campuses, each of which is apportioned representatives based on their size. The University of Maryland, College Park has three primary representatives and three alternates. CUSS representatives also serve as ex-officio members of the Senate Staff Affairs Committee. More information about CUSS can be found on this flyer and the main CUSS website.

Past Committee Work

Council Members

There are no current members for this committee.