Run for Senate
The University Senate Office holds elections each year to fill Senator vacancies that arise in the following constituencies: staff (exempt, non-exempt, and contingent II), part-time professional track faculty, professional track faculty with post-doc or Faculty Assistant titles, emeriti faculty, and full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students. These elections take place online through the Senate website.
Faculty Senators representing full-time tenured/tenure track (T/TT) and professional track (PTK) faculty are elected through their academic units (not via the Senate website) for a three-year term. Each College elects 1 representative for every 15 T/TT faculty or a major fraction thereof and 1 representative for every 30 PTK faculty or major fraction thereof.
Each staff category elects 1 representative for every 200 full-time employees to serve a three-year term. The staff categories are as follows: non-exempt staff from Colleges and Academic Affairs, non-exempt staff from Divisions, exempt staff from Colleges and Academic Affairs, and exempt staff from Divisions.
Undergraduate students are elected by students in each College, with 1 representative for every 1,000 full-time undergraduate students with a major in the College. Each Undergraduate Student Senator serves a one-year term and can be elected for a total of 3 consecutive terms.
Graduate students elect 10 representatives at-large for one-year terms. Graduate Student Senators can be elected for a total of 3 consecutive terms.
Representatives of the single-member constituencies listed below are each elected for a one-year term from among their ranks and are eligible to be elected for 3 consecutive terms:
- part-time research, part-time teaching, adjunct, and all visiting faculty
- emeriti faculty
- head coaches
- post-doctoral scholars, post-doctoral associates, junior lecturers, and faculty assistants
- contingent II staff
- part-time undergraduate students
- part-time graduate students
2024-2025 Staff, Student, and Single-Member Constituency Senator Elections Timeline
Sign up to run for the Senate: January 14, 2025 - February 7, 2025
Vote for your Senators: February 17, 2025 - March 7, 2025
2024-2025 Faculty Senator Elections Timeline
October 7, 2024 through February 7, 2025
Run to be a Senator
Candidacy applications for this year's Senate elections will be accepted from January 14, 2025 - February 7, 2025. Voting for candidates will take place February 17, 2025 - March 7, 2025. Only constituents within the candidate's same category (e.g., undergraduates in LTSC or non-exempt staff in Divisions) will be able to view the ballots and vote for candidates. The "Run to Be a Senator" button below will become active at the beginning of the candidacy period.