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Current Legislation

Ideas or proposals submitted to the Senate are assigned a Senate Document Number and are entered into the Senate legislation system. The legislation system tracks all active and current bills and is searchable by Senate document number, bill name, academic year, and/or activity status (whether the bill is active or not). The Senate reviews a variety of legislation each year ranging from approving program changes to revising and creating University policy. All legislation is archived in the Senate Office and, if not online, is available to the public by request.

The following table is a list of all of the Senate bills for the 2023 - 2024 academic year, as well as any bills from previous years that are still in progress. To view the history and details of a bill, simply click on the name of the bill. You can filter the table with the search box or sort the table by using the up and down arrows at the top of each column.


Active and Current Senate Bills (2024 - 2025)

Doc No
Name Current Status Under Review By
24-25-08 Proposed Edits to the Faculty Grievance Policy Under Review Faculty Affairs Committee
24-25-07 Interim UMD Policy on Weapons Prohibition on Campus Under Review Campus Affairs Committee
24-25-06 Interim University of Maryland Policy on Faculty Professional Conduct Under Review Faculty Affairs Committee
24-25-05 Revised Interim Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces Under Review Campus Affairs Committee
24-25-03 Non-Capital Asset Policy Under Review Campus Affairs Committee
24-25-01 2023-2024 Legislation Log Complete
23-24-34 BOR Staff Awards 2023-2024 Complete
23-24-32 Resolution on the USM Policy II-1.00 – Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of Faculty Under Review Faculty Affairs Committee
23-24-30 Resolution to Protect Prescription Insurance for Maryland State Retirees Completed
23-24-29 PCC Proposal to Rename the College of Information Studies to the College of Information Complete
23-24-28 Request to Review University of Maryland Policy and Procedures Concerning the Acquisition of Telecommunication Services and Equipment (X-3.03[A]) Under Review IT Council
23-24-27 Proposal for Bereavement Policies and Practices Toward an Inclusive Community of Care Under Review Academic Procedures & Standards (APAS) Committee
23-24-26 PCC Proposal to Rename the Bachelor of Science in "Community Health" to "Public Health Practice" Complete
23-24-25 PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Public Administration Pending Approval
23-24-24 PCC Proposal: Establish a Master of Science in Climate Finance and Risk Management Pending Approval
23-24-23 PCC Proposal to Establish a Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health Complete
23-24-22 PCC Proposal to Establish a Bachelor's Program in International Relations Pending Approval
23-24-19 PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Quantum Computing Complete
23-24-18 Review of the Interim University of Maryland Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces Complete
23-24-17 Procedural Update to VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Under Review Student Conduct Committee
23-24-16 Technical and Legal Updates to VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Complete
23-24-15 Technical and Legal Updates to VI-1.00(B) University of Maryland Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures Complete
23-24-14 Nominations Committee Slate 2023-2024 Complete
23-24-13 PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Applied Machine Learning Complete
23-24-12 PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Complete
23-24-11 PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science in Data Science Complete
23-24-10 Revisions to the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Plan of Organization Complete
23-24-09 Revision to the Robert H. Smith School of Business Plan of Organization Complete
23-24-08 PCC Proposal to Rename the Bachelor of Arts in "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies" Complete
23-24-07 PCC Proposal to Rename the Upper Division Certificate in "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies" Complete
23-24-06 PCC Proposal to Rename the Department of "African American Studies" to "African American and Africana Studies" Complete
23-24-05 Proposal to Modify the Student Conduct Modification Regarding Housing Termination Complete
23-24-04 Proposal to Review the Interim University of Maryland Organizational Conflicts of Interest Policy [II-3.10(F)] Under Review Research Council
23-24-03 PCC Proposal to Establish a Bachelor of Science in Global Health Completed
23-24-02 Approval of the 2023-2024 Committee & Council Slates Complete
23-24-01 2022-2023 Legislation Log Complete
22-23-24 PCC Proposal to Establish a Post-Master's Certificate in Supporting Immigrant Students for Professional School Counselors Complete
22-23-23 Proposal to Increase CUSF and CUSS Senate connections Under Review Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
22-23-22 Proposal to Amend Bylaws of the University Senate: inclusion of the process for Intellectual Property Committee membership Complete
22-23-21 Request to review UMD Policy X-3.06(A) on University Funded Cellular Telephones and Service Complete
22-23-20 Request to review UMD Policy X-3.01(A) Concerning Telephone Billing Under Review
22-23-19 Proposal to Amend the Reasonable Accommodations Guidance in the UMD Policy on Excused Absence [V-1.00 (G)] Under Review Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
22-23-17 Technical Revisions to the University of Maryland Procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Complete
22-23-13 Review of the Interim University of Maryland Consulting Policy (II-3.10[E]) Under Review Research Council
21-22-35 Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC) Review of the Relationship Between the Senate and the University’s Student Organizations Under Review Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
21-22-30 Review of the University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared Governance Under Review Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
21-22-16 Implementation of a SGA Ex-Officio Representative on the Senate Standing Committee for Academic Procedures and Standards Under Review Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
21-22-13 Student Fee Process Under Review Vice President for Finance & Chief Financial Officer
21-22-11 Revision to the Final Exam Provision in the University of Maryland Policy on the Conduct of Undergraduate Courses and Student Grievance Procedure Complete
20-21-14 Review of the University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Under Review Research Council
19-20-33 Review of the University of Maryland Policy on Threatening and Intimidating Conduct Under Review Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee
19-20-24 Revisions to the School of Public Policy (PLCY) Plan of Organization Complete
19-20-15 Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) Senate Representation Under Review Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee
13-14-37 Revisions to the School of Public Health (SPHL) Plan of Organization Under Review Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee
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