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Senate Bill 21-22-30

Bill ID: 21-22-30
Name: Review of the University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared Governance
Proposed: 01/24/2022
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee
Proposal: The University of Maryland Plan of Organization (Article 6.3) stipules that "review of the current Plan of Organization shall be undertaken at least every ten years by a committee composed of members elected by the Senate." However, the Plan gives the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) the authority to "institute a review of the Plan by such a committee in the fifth or subsequent year following a review if in its judgment there have been changes in the University significant enough to justify a review."
Active? Yes
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Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
Received: 2022-09-30
Actions: The SEC voted at its September 30, 2022 meeting to charge the committee with considering whether Special Committee on University Finance should become a formal Senate body. The committee will begin considering this matter in Fall 2022 upon receipt of the charge from the SEC.

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2022-09-26
Decision Date: 2022-09-30
Decision: The SEC voted to extend the charge deadline to November 2023 and to charge the Plan of Organization Committee (PORC) with reviewing whether the Senate Committee on University Finance (SCUF) should become a formal Senate body.
Actions: The Special Committee on University Finance (SCUF) was created in April 2019 as a special committee to serve a 3-year pilot period. See Senate Document # 19-20-40. While SCUF has made significant progress in its first two years, the pandemic, changes to the financial administrative structures and budget process at the University made it challenging for the committee to develop a long-term vision and recommendation on how it can support the President’s vision for the financial structures at the University. In Fall 2021, the Senate recommended and the President approved extending the pilot period for SCUF for an additional year. See Senate Document # 21-22-05. The extended pilot period will expire in 2023. The SEC voted to charge the Plan of Organization Committee with considering whether SCUF should become a formal Senate body. The SEC also approved extending the PORC reporting deadline from March 2023 to November 2023.
Next Step: PORC Review
Related Files:

Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC)
Received: 2022-01-25
Decision Due By: 2023-03-03
Actions: The Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC) began working on the charge in Spring 2022. It developed three subcommittees among the committee members to address the three main areas of the charge: apportionment, shared governance, and University councils. The subcommittees worked during Summer 2022 to consider the specific elements of PORC's charge related to their subject. The subcommittees will advise PORC of their work in Fall 2022.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2022-01-18
Decision Date: 2022-01-25
Decision: The SEC reviewed the elements of the charge to the University of Maryland Plan of Organization Review Committee.
Actions: The Senate Office Director provided an overview of the charge to the University of Maryland Plan of Organization Review Committee (PORC) that was developed in consultation with the Senate Leadership. The charge addressed three broad areas of review: apportionment and balance of Senate representation; shared governance principles and constituency feedback processes for University Councils; and shared governance principles for the Senate. The charge also included reviewing proposed technical revisions to the Shared Governance Plan of Organization. The charge deadline was March 2023.
Next Step: PORC Review
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