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Senate Bill 22-23-19

Bill ID: 22-23-19
Name: Proposal to Amend the Reasonable Accommodations Guidance in the UMD Policy on Excused Absence [V-1.00 (G)]
Proposed: 10/04/2022
Sponsor: Emily Lucio, ADA/504 Coordinator
Proposal: The current Policy on Excused Absences is not clear that in situations related to students with disabilities who have flexible attendance as an accommodation due to their diagnosed disability, the student does not need to present additional medical documentation to the faculty member since ADS keeps that information on file to assist with determining if absences are appropriate accommodations. Reasonable accommodations for students' participation in courses and course-related work are
coordinated by the University Accessibility & Disability Service (ADS) with the student requesting accommodations.

The policy should be revised to provide sufficient notice to faculty and students who are considering additional absences, outside of the design of the individual course, as an approved disability accommodation.
Active? Yes


Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2022-10-17
Decision Date: 2022-11-16
Decision: SEC voted to delay proposal consideration.
Actions: SEC informed there is a broad review of the entire policy; voted to delay consideration of the proposal until the policy is updated and evaluate the updates to determine if this proposal has been addressed.
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