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Senate Bill 23-24-18

Bill ID: 23-24-18
Name: Review of the Interim University of Maryland Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces
Proposed: 11/27/2023
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee
Proposal: In Fall 2023, the Office of the President received concerns regarding the use of chalk to express viewpoints across the campus. Due to these concerns brought forward by the campus community the University deemed it necessary to have a policy in place defining permissible locations for expression with the use of chalk on campus. Because of the urgency to address these concerns, the President and the Senate leadership agreed that working collaboratively to develop an interim University policy would be most constructive in addressing the immediate need while still allowing for a thoughtful Senate review.

The draft policy was reviewed by the President and ultimately approved on November 27, 2023 on an interim basis, pending Senate review.
Active? Yes
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Campus Affairs Committee
Received: 2023-11-01
Decision: Prior to Campus Affairs Committee action to review this interim policy, a new interim policy was implemented in August 2024. Thereby, the committee was charged to review the new interim policy. See Senate Document #24-25-05.
Next Step: See Senate Document 24-25-05

Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Campus Affairs Committee
Received: 2024-01-23
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2023-11-27
Decision Date: 2024-01-23
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Campus Affairs Committee with review of the proposal.
Next Step: Campus Affairs Committee Review
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