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Join a Committee

The University Senate Committee Volunteer Period for the 2025-2026 academic year will open Monday, March 31, 2025 and close Friday, May 2, 2025.

The Senate Committee on Committees will begin the process of reviewing all of the volunteer applications in June. The committee will make placements to fill the memberships of our ten regular standing committees for the upcoming academic year (2025-2026). You will be notified by email no later than July 16, 2025, whether you are placed on a committee.

Senate committees provide campus-wide volunteer opportunities to contribute to the University's shared governance and decision-making process.

Committees are charged with reviewing and recommending revisions to existing University policies and proposing new policies that contribute to the University's mission and obligations and dedication to its priciples. The work of the committees is essential to assisting the Senate with fulfilling its primary function of advising the President on matters and concerns related to but not limited to, education and research, budget and finance, personnel and employment, campus-community and campus-life, long-range plans, and faculty, staff, and student affairs. There are Senate committees related to each of these subject matter areas. A description of each committee and their recent work is available on the Senate website Committee page.

Senate committees include volunteer members from all campus constituencies—faculty, staff, and students—and administrative representatives. You do not have to be a Senator to be a committee member. 

Committees typically meet up to 5 times per semester. Meetings are scheduled for 1-1.5 hours, generally during business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The meetings take place primarily on Zoom, but a few meetings may be held in person. Most committees are inactive over the summer.

Committee members are expected to review meeting materials and may be asked to complete other committee work between meetings.

Faculty and staff members usually have 2-year terms, while student terms are 1 year.

The volunteer period for committee service during the 2025-2026 academic year will open Monday, March 31, 2025 and will close Friday, May 2, 2025. You are welcome to attend committee meetings as an observer. The committee meeting schedules will be posted on the committee's webpage at the beginning of the Fall 2025 semester. To find other opportunities to become involved with the University Senate, please consider attending Senate meetings. See Senate Meeting schedule.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Senate Office at

Run for 2025-2026 Senate-elected Committees and Councils

The Nominations Committee is seeking candidates to run for open positions on Senate-elected committees and councils for the 2025-2026 academic year. Specific information about the process, available positions, and deadlines is listed below. We hope that you might be interested in nominating yourself or someone you know for these important positions.

Please nominate yourself or someone else to serve on any of the positions described below by filling out our Google Form.

General Information:

All incoming and continuing Senators who will be part of the 2025-2026 Senate are eligible to run for positions on the committees and councils listed below, unless otherwise noted.

Nominees will be considered by the Senate Nominations Committee for placement on the ballot(s) for the elections, but are not guaranteed a spot.

All candidates placed on the ballot will be asked to submit a short candidacy statement via email. Candidacy statements will be due by Friday, March 28, 2025.

Elections will be held as part of the annual transition of the Senate in May 2025.

Available Positions:

The Committee on Committees identifies individuals for service on Senate standing committees. This year, we are seeking nominations for 3 faculty, 1 exempt staff member, 1 graduate student, and 1 undergraduate student Senator. Faculty and staff members serve a two-year term while students serve a one-year term on the Committee on Committees.

“My favorite assignment has been to serve on the Committee on Committees, where we have the opportunity to learn more about members of the campus community who share a passion to serve the University. It’s a pleasure to serve as a voice for Exempt staff both on this Committee and at the Senate Meetings, especially for underrepresented populations.” - Erin McClure, past Senator & Committee on Committees member

CTAC advises the Vice President for Administration on parking and transportation issues, including topics such as the review of fee proposals, policies regarding metered parking, and Shuttle UM routes. CTAC usually meets once per month during the academic year. This year we are seeking 1 faculty member, 1 non-exempt staff member, 1 exempt staff member and 1 undergraduate student Senator. The faculty and staff candidates do not have to be Senators and will serve three-year terms. The undergraduate member must be a Senator and will serve for one year.

“I have been serving on the Campus Transportation and Advisory Committee for about two years. I believe that the committee does important work that affects the overall campus community, and I feel that I have learned a lot from my participation in the issues that CTAC considers. Although I already came into the position having significant budgetary experience within my department, my position at CTAC has meaningfully broadened my exposure to the University’s overall budget and the inner workings of the University. It is also enjoyable to be able to learn from and collaborate with other CTAC participants in the various departments and student body throughout the campus community." - Agi Alipio, Past CTAC Member

CUSF advises the Chancellor and reports regularly to the Board of Regents (BOR). CUSF is responsible for considering and making recommendations on matters of System-wide professional and educational concern to the faculty and matters to which faculty bring special expertise. CUSF meets once a month during the academic year at the various University System of Maryland (USM) campuses. There are currently openings for 2 faculty representatives and 2 alternate representatives. Members serve three-year terms and do not need to be Senators.

For more information regarding CUSF and responsibility of its members, visit: 

“The Council of University System Faculty plays an important role by providing input directly to the Chancellor’s office on a variety of faculty-oriented policies.  As these policies affect all system schools, it is essential that the University of Maryland faculty voice be well-represented.  Members of the Council have the unique opportunity of not only working with faculty at each of the system institutions but also visiting the various campuses and interacting with officials from the University System of Maryland and, on occasion, from the Board of Regents and the State of Maryland.” - Phil Evers, CUSF Member, Senator, and Committee Chair

The SEC serves as the “gateway” to the Senate by reviewing proposals from the campus community and potentially charging them to a Senate committee but also reviewing committee reports to determine if they are ready for Senate consideration. In addition, the SEC meets monthly with the President and Vice Presidents and acts on behalf of the Senate when it is not in session. 7 faculty members (with no more than 2 from any College/School), 1 exempt staff member, 1 non-exempt staff member, 2 graduate student members, and 2 undergraduate student Senators will be elected. The term for all SEC members is one year.

“I found the Senate Executive Committee to always be a space for thoughtful, nuanced discussion of important campus issues, whether of immediate impact or longer outlook. Additionally, the monthly SEC breakfast with the President, Provost, and senior administrators provided a window into larger concerns of the University, and an opportunity to lend guidance to those at the top.” -Marc Pound, past Senator, SEC member, and committee chair

 The Athletic Council is the primary body that advises the President on matters relating to intercollegiate athletics. It is responsible for formulation and recommendation of policy matters affecting intercollegiate athletics and for monitoring the implementation of such policy by the intercollegiate athletics program. There are currently open positions for 2 faculty members and 1 staff member. Faculty and staff members serve a three-year term on the Council. Candidates do not need to be Senators. The Council meets monthly during the academic year.

“The relationship between academics and athletics affects faculty, staff, students, and our community beyond campus. Engagement with the Athletic Council provides an important opportunity for the parties "beyond the shell" to see through the hype and to participate in some of the hard work that is required to support our past, present, and future student athletes. Intercollegiate Athletics provides incredible visibility for our whole school nation-wide, and by serving on the Athletics Council members can maintain transparency in the decisions that impact the academic success and personal health of the athletes. The chance to advise such a complex organization, UMD Athletics, as they look forward to updated facilities, innovative models for research collaborations, and new social engagement programs, is an opportunity to shape the future of UMD.” -Jo Zimmerman, past Athletic Council Member

Please contact the Senate Office via email at with any questions or concerns.

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