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Senate Structure

The Senate currently consists of 239 seats. A summary of the structure is available here. Each of the campus groups are given a specific number of Senate seats based on the number of people in that group on campus. Information about each of the groups is below.

Tenured/Tenure-Track (T/TT) Faculty: Tenured/Tenure-Track (T/TT) Faculty Senators are apportioned seats based on the number of T/TT faculty within each College. Colleges are apportioned 1 Senator for every 15 eligible faculty members or major fraction thereof.

Professional Track (PTK) Faculty: Professional Track (PTK) Faculty Senators are apportioned seats based on the number of eligible PTK faculty within each College. Colleges are apportioned 1 Senator for every 30 eligible faculty members or major fraction thereof.

Staff: The Staff Constituency is divided into the following categories: Exempt Staff from Colleges, Exempt Staff from Divisions, Non-Exempt Staff from Colleges, and Non-Exempt Staff from Divisions. Each category shall elect 1 Senator from among its ranks for every 200 staff members or major fraction thereof.

Undergraduate Students: Undergraduate Senators are apportioned seats based on the number of undergraduates within each College. Colleges are apportioned 1 Senator for every 1,000 undergraduate students or major fraction thereof.

Graduate Students: Graduate Student Senators are represented by 10 seats on an at-large basis. No more than 2 Senators from the same College may serve, regardless of total vote count.

Single-Member Constituencies: 1 representative is elected from each of the categories below from among their ranks:

  1. Part-Time Research, Part-Time Teaching, Adjunct, and all Visiting Faculty
  2. Emeritus Faculty
  3. Head Coaches
  4. Post-Doctoral Scholars, Post-Doctoral Associates, Junior Lecturers, and Faculty Assistants
  5. Contingent II Staff
  6. Part-Time Undergraduate Students
  7. Part-Time Graduate Students

Voting Ex-Officios include all academic and administrative Deans.

Non-Voting Ex-Officios include the following administrators: the President, the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Vice Presidents, the University ombuds officers, the Directors of Centers, Institutes, Academic Programs and Undergraduate Admissions, the Chairs of Academic Departments, the Executive Secretary and Director of the Senate, the President of the Student Government Association, the President of the Graduate Student Government, the Director of Athletics, and the Chief Executive Officer of any institution-wide constituency not otherwise provided for in the above categories.

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