Senate Bill 23-24-16
Bill ID: | 23-24-16 |
Name: | Technical and Legal Updates to VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct |
Proposed: | 10/26/2023 |
Sponsor: | Angela Nastase, Director and Title IX Coordinator, Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct |
Proposal: | The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct is requesting that the Senate review and approve technical and legal updates to policy VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct. These updates will ensure that VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct is consistent with current federal and state regulations. In addition, the updates to the policy and procedures will provide clarity and help to streamline and expedite the current resolution process. |
Active? | Yes |
Policy: | |
Status: | Under Review |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Senate Executive Committee (SEC) |
Received: | 2025-01-15 |
Decision Date: | 2025-01-22 |
Decision: | The SEC voted on behalf of the Senate to approve the committee recommendations |
Next Step: | Presidential Approval |
Related Files: |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee |
Received: | 2024-11-18 |
Decision: | The EDI Committee voted to approve the previous work and recommendations of the committee and move the proposed technical and legal changes forward. |
Actions: | At its meeting on November 18, 2024, an update regarding new Title IX regulations announced in April 2023 was given to the EDI Committee. It was discussed that due to on-going lawsuits the new Title IX regulations have not been implemented and the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct requested, that the committee approve the original proposed changes and resolve long-overdue technical and legal updates necessary to ensure compliance. Additional context was shared that the proposed changes included updating titles and addresses of policy resources and aligning the University’s policy and procedures with federal law. The report of the previous 2023-2024 academic year EDI Committee was included for review in the materials for the meeting. |
Next Step: | The committee will present its recommendation to the SEC. |
Related Files: |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Senate Executive Committee (SEC) |
Received: | 2024-05-10 |
Decision Date: | 2024-05-17 |
Decision: | The SEC voted on behalf of the Senate to approve the EDI Committee recommendations |
Next Step: | The report will be distributed to the appropriate offices. |
Related Files: |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Senate Executive Committee (SEC) |
Received: | 2024-05-10 |
Decision: | The SEC will consider the committee's recommendations at the meeting on May 17, 2024. |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee |
Received: | 2023-11-06 |
Decision Date: | 2024-04-05 |
Decision: | The committee voted on its recommendations to be forwarded to the SEC on April 5, 2024. |
Next Step: | SEC Review |
Related Files: |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Senate Executive Committee (SEC) |
Received: | 2023-10-26 |
Decision Date: | 2023-11-06 |
Decision: | The SEC voted to charge the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee with review of the proposal. |
Next Step: | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Review |
Related Files: |