Run for Senate
The University Senate Office holds elections each year to fill Senator vacancies that arise in the following constituencies: staff (exempt, non-exempt, and contingent II), part-time professional track faculty, professional track faculty with post-doc or Faculty Assistant titles, emeriti faculty, and full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students. These elections take place online through the Senate website.
Past Committees
University Senate standing committees work each year to formulate and review policies to be established by the Senate, review established policies and their administration, and recommend any changes that may be necessary within their jurisdiction. They can also serve in an advisory capacity or as a board of appeal when needed. The lists below show topics and charges discussed by each committee during each academic year, and provide links to the Senate Legislation Page for more information on each item.
Student Conduct
Student Affairs
Staff Affairs
Special Committee on University Finance
Senate Executive Committee
Programs, Curricula & Courses
Chair: Wendy Stickle (
Senate Coordinator: Rebecca Riley (
Senior Coordinator for Academic Programs: Mike Colson (