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Senate Bill 21-22-27

Bill ID: 21-22-27
Name: 2021 Plan of Organization Review Committee Slate
Proposed: 11/16/2021
Sponsor: Senate Leadership
Proposal: Review of the University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared Governance shall be undertaken at least every ten years by a committee composed of members elected by the Senate. The Executive Committee may institute a review of the Plan by such a committee in the fifth or subsequent year following a review if in its judgment there have been changes in the University significant enough to justify a review.

The committee shall be sponsored by the Senate, but no more than seven current Senators may serve on the committee.

The Executive Committee shall develop a slate of nominees to be approved by the Senate. Further nominations shall not be accepted from the floor of the Senate. The Executive Committee shall consult with Deans of Colleges Plan of Organization for Shared Governance for the University of Maryland or Schools, the Senate Faculty, Staff, and Student Affairs Committees, the Presidents of the Student Government Association and the Graduate Student Government, and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost to solicit nominees for the slate.

Each College or School, and the Library, shall have one representative faculty member on the committee. In addition there shall be two representatives of each of the following: University-wide administrators, undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff members (with exempt and non-exempt representation to the extent of availability). The Executive Secretary and Director of the Senate and the Senate
Parliamentarian shall serve as non-voting ex officio members of the committee. Members of the committee shall serve until their report has been accepted
or rejected by the Executive Committee of the Senate.

Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 12/22/2021


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2021-12-02
Decision Date: 2021-12-09
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the slate.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2021-11-16
Decision Date: 2021-11-22
Decision: The SEC voted to place the PORC slate on the Senate agenda for a vote.
Next Step: Senate Review
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