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Senate Bill 12-13-56

Bill ID: 12-13-56
Name: Consideration of an Overall Title for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Proposed: 05/06/2013
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Proposal: In response to the report of the Non-Tenure Track Task Force, the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) requested that the Faculty Affairs Committee review the roles of Non-Tenure-Track (NTT) Faculty at the University and make recommendations on whether changes to existing policy are appropriate.
Active? No
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Status: Completed
Completed On: 11/04/2014


Status: Complete
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2014-08-29
Decision Date: 2014-10-09
Decision Due By: 2014-10-09
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the report
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2014-08-21
Decision Date: 2014-08-28
Decision: The SEC voted to send the report to the October 9, 2014 Senate meeting for review.
Next Step: Senate Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2013-11-25
Decision Date: 2014-05-07
Decision Due By: 2014-03-31
Decision: The committee voted unanimously to approve the policy and send it forward to the SEC and Senate for consideration
Actions: The Faculty Affairs Committee began reviewing this charge in the spring of 2014, after further discussion of a related charge on the framework for NTT faculty appointments (Sen Doc #12-13-55).

In January 2014, the committee reviewed the charge and began considering suggestions for a new overall title for NTT faculty. In February 2014, the committee considered further suggestions and reviewed peer institution information. In April 2014, the committee discussed how an overall title would be implemented, and discussed policy options for creating an overall title. The committee considered to which NTT faculty the overall title would apply. In April and May 2014, the committee worked with the Office of Legal Affairs on draft policy language related to an overall title. At its meeting on May 7, 2014, the committee voted unanimously to approve the policy and send it forward to the SEC and Senate for consideration.
Next Step: SEC Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2013-11-18
Decision Date: 2013-11-25
Decision: The SEC voted to grant the extension request.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the letter of request from the Faculty Affairs Committee at its meeting on November 25, 2013. The SEC voted in favor of granting the extension. The committee's new deadline is March 31, 2014.
Next Step: Faculty Affairs Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2013-05-06
Decision Date: 2013-11-18
Decision Due By: 2013-12-15
Decision: The committee submitted a letter of request to the SEC for a deadline extension.
Actions: In November 2013, due to other pressing agenda items, the Faculty Affairs Committee decided to submit a request for an extension on its consideration of this charge to the Senate Executive Committee. The committee was unable to meet its original deadline of December 15, 2013.

The Faculty Affairs Committee will review this charge in the spring of 2014, after further discussion of a related charge on the framework for NTT faculty appointments (Sen Doc #12-13-55).
Next Step: SEC Review
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