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Senate Bill 12-13-55

Bill ID: 12-13-55
Name: Providing a Unified Framework for Non-Tenure Track Faculty Appointments
Proposed: 05/06/2013
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Proposal: The Task Force on Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty identified a number of concerns related to NTT faculty appointments that arise because of inconsistencies in the systems of NTT titles, uneven expectations about performance and evaluations, and a lack of opportunities for recognition and/or promotion for various sub-groups of NTT faculty.

The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) requests that the Faculty Affairs Committee review the existing policies, titles, and appointment guidelines for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at the University and make recommendations for establishing a unified structure for Non-Tenure Track Faculty Appointments. Any specific recommendations regarding titles, evaluation procedures, or promotion opportunities for different sub-groups of NTT faculty
should be made within the guidelines established in the unified framework.
Active? No
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Status: Completed
Completed On: 10/07/2014


Status: Complete
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2014-03-26
Decision Date: 2014-04-02
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the report.
Next Step: Presidential Approval, BOR Approval

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2014-03-05
Decision Date: 2014-04-12
Decision: The SEC voted to send the report to the April 2, 2014 Senate meeting for review.
Next Step: Senate Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2013-05-06
Decision Date: 2014-02-24
Decision Due By: 2014-03-07
Decision: The committee voted to recommend revisions to the APT Policy and steps for transition to a new title framework.
Actions: The Faculty Affairs Committee began reviewing its charge in September 2013. On September 9th, the committee reviewed the charge and briefly discussed the main problems involved in non-tenure track faculty titles as currently granted. On September 23rd, a small subcommittee presented a proposal formed over the summer related to the charge. The committee agreed to consider the basic framework presented in the proposal. On October 16th, the committee briefly discussed qualifications, approval requirements, and general expectations involved in NTT titles. The committee agreed to form three subgroups to examine requirements and language related to specific title series. These subgroups reported back on November 11th and December 4th, 2013.

In the spring of 2014, the committee continued to review specifications related to NTT title series. The committee discussed issues related to implementation of a new title framework, and considered guidelines for promotion of NTT faculty. In January and February 2014, the committee reviewed and finalized proposed language for the University APT Policy and worked with the Office of Legal Affairs on the final language. In February 2014, the committee considered how each College and School should work to devise guidelines for evaluation and promotion of NTT faculty. On February 24, 2014, the committee drafted recommendations on how to transition to the new title framework. After approval of the recommendations, the committee voted to forward its report and recommendations to the SEC and Senate for review.
Next Step: SEC Review
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