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Senate Bill 10-11-21

Bill ID: 10-11-21
Name: BOR Staff Awards 2010-2011
Proposed: 10/08/2010
Sponsor: Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Proposal: The Council of University System Staff (CUSS) is accepting nominations for the 2010-2011 Board of Regents University System of Maryland Staff Awards. These awards present an excellent opportunity for USM institutions to recognize outstanding staff members. The awards represent the highest honor bestowed by the Board of Regents for achievements of Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff employees from institutions within the University System of Maryland. All of the USM institutions are encouraged to submit nominations for the Board of Regents Staff Awards.

In accordance with the Board of Regents Policy, the nominations must be reviewed at each institution before submission to the CUSS Awards Review Committee. At the University of Maryland College Park, the Senate Staff Affairs Committee (representative of all classifications of employees at UMCP) reviews all nomination packages and submits recommendations to the President. The President will send recommendations to the CUSS Awards Review Committee. The CUSS Awards Review Committee will then select the final candidates to be submitted to the USM Board of Regents. Recipients will be announced in early summer 2011 with formal presentation of the award recipients by the Board of Regents in early Fall 2011.
Active? No
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Status: Completed
Completed On: 06/17/2011


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Board of Regents (BOR)
Received: 2011-05-01
Decision Date: 2011-06-17
Decision Due By: 2011-06-30
Decision: The BOR approved the final Staff Awards to be awarded in 2011.
Actions: The Board of Regents reviewed all system-wide nominees and selected one exempt and one non-exempt recipient for each of the award categories (and one exempt recipient for the new category). Recipients were announced in June 2011 with a formal presentation of the award recipients by the Board of Regents in early Fall 2011.

The Board of Regents, meeting in executive session on Friday, June 17, 2011 at Bowie State University, approved the recommendations of the Regents Staff Awards to be awarded in 2011.

The following staff members were selected as the recipients of the 2011 Board of Regents Staff Awards:

For Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to Which a Person Belongs
1) Jim Lord, Exempt Staff - UMBC
2) Sandra Ramses, Non-Exempt Staff - SU

For Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment
1) Alan Santos, Exempt Staff - UMCP
2) Cecelia Jordan, Non-Exempt Staff - UMCP

For Extraordinary Public Service to the University or the Greater Community
1) Karen Treber, Exempt Staff - FSU
2) Donna Messick, Non-Exempt Staff - SU

For Effectiveness and Efficiency - Administrative Transformation
1) Jeff McKinney, Exempt Staff - UMCP
Next Step: Formal Presentation of Recipients
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Received: 2011-01-14
Decision: CUSS reviewed the nominations.
Actions: The CUSS Awards Review Committee will review nomination packages from all USM Institutions, and will submit its recommendations for awards to the Board of Regents in late spring.
Next Step: Board of Regents Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: President Loh
Received: 2010-12-15
Decision Date: 2011-01-14
Decision Due By: 2011-01-21
Decision: President Loh reviewed the nomination materials.
Actions: After reviewing the materials, President Loh confirmed and endorsed the seven nominations as recommended by the Senate Staff Affairs Committee for the 2011 Board of Regents University System of Maryland Staff Awards.
Next Step: CUSS Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Staff Affairs Committee
Received: 2010-10-08
Decision Date: 2010-12-06
Decision Due By: 2010-12-17
Decision: The committee voted to forward the nominees to President Loh for review.
Actions: At its meeting on October 5, 2010, the Staff Affairs Committee discussed advertising strategies for the nominations process. A subcommittee was established for review of all nomination packets.

Subcommittee Membership:

Reid Compton (Faculty Member)
Bobbi Donley (Exempt Staff)
Allison Fort (Exempt Staff)
Regina King (Non-Exempt Staff)
Mary Lepore (Non-Exempt Staff)
Maggie Saponaro (Faculty Member)
Lisa Schuetz (Exempt Staff)
Laura Tan (Exempt Staff)

In total, 26 exempt and 6 non-exempt nominations were received, which is a substantial increase in exempt nominations from previous years.

The 2010-2011 Board of Regents Staff Awards Subcommittee met on November 22, 2010 to discuss and vote on which nominees to recommend to the full Staff Affairs Committee for presentation to President Loh. Following discussion, the subcommittee voted to put forward seven recommendations to the full Staff Affairs Committee for approval. If approved, the nominees will be forwarded for consideration by President Loh.

The full Staff Affairs Committee met on December 6, 2010 and the BOR Awards Subcommittee presented its recommendations to the full committee. The full committee voted unanimously to send forward to following seven nominees to President Loh for consideration:

1. For Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to which the Person Belongs

Exempt: Luke Jensen, Director of the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Nonexempt: Anthony Chan, Electronics Technician III
Department of Psychology

2. For Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment

Exempt: Alan Santos, Director of Student Services
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nonexempt: Cecilia Jordan, Program Administrative Specialist
Department of Biology

3. For Extraordinary Public Service to the University or to the Greater Community

Exempt: Carolyn Consoli, Captain / Acting Chief of Staff
Office of the Chief, Department of Public Safety

Nonexempt: no nominees submitted

4. Effectiveness and Efficiency Award

Academic Transformation: Martha Connolly, Associate Director for Partnerships
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute

Administrative Transformation: Jeffrey McKinney, Director of Computing Facilities
Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and the Institute for Systems Research
Next Step: Presidential Review
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