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Senate Bill 09-10-17

Bill ID: 09-10-17
Name: BOR Staff Awards 2009-2010
Proposed: 10/07/2009
Sponsor: Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Proposal: The Council of University System Staff (CUSS) is accepting nominations for the 2009-2010 Board of Regents University System of Maryland Staff Awards. We continue to encourage exempt nominations, and we would especially like to see an increase in the number of nonexempt nominations. These awards present an excellent opportunity for USM institutions to recognize outstanding staff members. All of the USM institutions, as well as the USM Office, are encouraged to submit nominations for the Board of Regents Awards by Friday, January 22, 2010.

In accordance with the Board of Regents Policy, the nominations must be reviewed at each institution before submission to the CUSS Awards Review Committee. The Senate Staff Affairs Committee, which is representative of all classifications of employees at the institution, will conduct the internal review for the University of Maryland College Park. The Staff Affairs Committee will fully consider all nominees and make recommendations to President Mote, who will select and forward the final campus nominees to the CUSS Awards Review Committee in January 2010. The CUSS Awards Review Committee will then select the final candidates to be submitted to the USM Board of Regents. The announcement of the selected recipients will be made by the Board of Regents in early Summer 2010, with formal presentation of the award recipients by the Board of Regents in early Fall 2010.
Active? No
Related Bills:


Status: Completed
Completed On: 01/12/2010


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Board of Regents (BOR)
Received: 2010-06-23
Decision Date: 2010-06-23
Decision: Chancellor Kirwan voted to approve the recommendations of the BOR Staff Awards to be awarded in 2010.
Actions: The Board of Regents (BOR) reviewed all system-wide nominees and selected one exempt and one non-exempt recipient for each of the award categories. The recipients were announced in June 2010 with a formal presentation of the award recipients by the Board of Regents scheduled for early Fall 2010.

The following staff members were selected as the recipients of the 2010 Board of Regents Staff Awards:

For Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to Which the Person Belongs:
1) Exempt Award Recipient: Colleen Stump, FSU
2) Nonexempt Award Recipient: Myrle Combs, UMBC

For Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment
1) Exempt Award Recipient: Mary Tola, FSU
2) Nonexempt Award Recipient: Deborah Pusey, SU

For Extraordinary Public Service to the University or the Greater Community
1) Exempt Award Recipient: Kim Nechay, SU
2) Nonexempt Award Recipient: Julia Heng, UMCP
Next Step: Formal Presentation of Recipients
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Received: 2010-01-12
Decision: CUSS voted to recommend finalists to the BOR for approval.
Actions: The CUSS Awards Review Committee reviewed the nomination packages from all USM Institutions, and submitted its recommendations for awards to the Board of Regents in late Spring 2010.
Next Step: Board of Regents (BOR) Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: President Mote
Received: 2009-12-17
Decision Date: 2010-01-12
Decision: President Mote confirmed and endorsed Staff Affairs Committee's nominations.
Actions: President Mote reviewed the nomination materials as submitted by the Staff Affairs Committee.
Next Step: CUSS Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Staff Affairs Committee
Received: 2009-09-29
Decision Date: 2009-12-17
Decision Due By: 2010-01-22
Decision: The committee voted to forward their nominations to President Mote for consideration.
Actions: The Staff Affairs Committee's BOR Staff Awards Review Subcommittee reviewed 18 exempt staff nomination packages and 10 non-exempt staff nomination packages as submitted for the 2009-2010 BOR Staff Awards for the University of Maryland College Park campus. All nomination packages were collected by the Senate Office and posted to the Staff Affairs Committee's secure webpage.

A subcommittee was established for review of all nomination packets. The subcommittee members include:

1.) Cynthia Shaw
2.) Peggy Barott
3.) Rhyneta Gumbs
4.) Doris Climes
5.) Debbie Grover
6.) Margaret Saponaro

The subcommittee met on the week of December 7, 2009 to discuss the nomination packages and vote on which nominations to recommend to the full committee.

The subcommittee presented its recommendations to the full Staff Affairs Committee on December 17, 2009. Following discussion, the Staff Affairs Committee voted in favor of forwarding the recommended nominees to the President. The committee voted unanimously to send forward the following six nominees to President Mote for consideration:

1. For Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to which the Person Belongs

Exempt: Gary Seibel
Non-Exempt: Fletcher Kinne

2. For Extraordinary Public Service to the University or to the Greater Community

Exempt: Linda Lachman
Non-Exempt: Lois Reid

3. For Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment

Exempt: Larry Brookman
Non-Exempt: Julia Heng

The six nominees were forwarded to President Mote on Monday, December 17, 2009.
Next Step: Presidential Review
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