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September 20, 2012 Meeting

3:15 PM-5:00 PM

Atrium of the Stamp Student Union

Click on Links below to view supporting documents.


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of the May 3, 2012, Senate Minutes (Action)

3. Report of the Chair

4. 2011-2012 Senate Legislation Log (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-01) (Information)

5. Approval of the Standing Committee & Council Slates 2012-2013 (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-02) (Action)

6. Special Order of the Day

Kumea Shorter-Gooden 
Chief Diversity Officer & Associate Vice President 
Making Diversity 'Part and Parcel'

7. Reform of the University APT Committee Procedures (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-03) (Action)

8. Proposal to Clarify and Improve Student Class Selection (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-11) (Action)

9. New Business

10. Adjournment

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