November 11, 2010 Meeting
3:15 PM
Colony Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union
Click on Links below to view supporting documents.
- Call to Order
- Approval of the October 13, 2010, Senate Minutes (Action)
- Report of the Chair
- Update of the University of Maryland Mission Statement (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-18) (Information)
- PCC Proposal to Establish a BS Degree Program in Middle School Education (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-22) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Change the Name of the Department of Public and Community Health to Behavioral and Community Health (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-23) (Action)
- Proposal to Amend the Membership of the University APT Committee (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-15) (Action)
- Amendment to the Membership of the Research Council to Include a Representative of the President (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-16) (Action)
- Special Order of the Day
Wallace D. Loh
President of the University of Maryland, College Park
2010 State of the Campus Address
- New Business
- Adjournment