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May 3, 2012 Meeting

3:15 PM-5:00 PM

Atrium of the Stamp Student Union

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  1. Call to Order 
  2. Election of the Chair-Elect
  3. Approval of the April 19, 2012, Senate Minutes (Action)
  4. Report of the Outgoing Chair, Eric Kasischke
  5. Special Elections (Action) - Ballots will be distributed at the meeting.
    i. Senate Executive Committee
    ii. Committee on Committees
    iii. Athletic Council
    iv. Council of University System Faculty (CUSF)
    v. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC)
  6. 2012 Campus Safety Report (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-38) (Information)
  7. PCC Proposal to Rename the "Community Health Education" Master of Public Health Area of Concentration to "Behavioral and Community Health" (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-39) (Action)
  8. Amendment to Activation of the USM Clinical Faculty Titles (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-20) (Action)
  9. Special Order of the Day
    Kevin Anderson
    Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
    Department of Intercollegiate Athletics' Vision
  10. Special Order of the Day
    Carlo Colella
    Associate Vice President, Facilities Management
    Purple Line Design Considerations on Campus
  11. New Business 
  12. Adjournment
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