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May 2, 2013 Meeting

3:15 PM-5:00 PM

Atrium of the Stamp Student Union

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1. Call to Order

2. Election of the Chair-Elect

3. Approval of the April 17, 2013, Senate Minutes (Action)

4. Report of the Outgoing Chair, Martha Nell Smith

5. Special Elections (Action) - Ballots will be distributed at the meeting.

i. Senate Executive Committee 
ii. Committee on Committees 
iii. Athletic Council 
iv. Council of University System Faculty (CUSF) 
v. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC)

6. Code of Student Conduct Expansion of Jurisdiction (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-26) (Action)

7. Proposal Updating Policy III-1.20(B): University of Maryland Procedures for Review of Alleged Arbitrary and Capricious Grading - Undergraduate Students (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-43) (Action)

8. Special Order of the Day

Cynthia Hale 
Chair, Joint President/Senate 
Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Task Force 
Feedback on the Task Force's Charge

9. New Business

10. Adjournment

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