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December 10, 2013 Meeting

3:15 PM-5:00 PM

Atrium - Stamp Student Union

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1. Call to Order

2. Approval of the November 13, 2013, Senate Minutes (Action)

3. Report of the Chair

4. Alignment of Procurement Contracts with UM Non-Discrimination Values (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-29) (Information)

5. Review of the Evidentiary Standards in the Code of Student Conduct (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-30) (Information)

6. Nominations Committee Slate 2013-2014 (Senate Doc. No. 13-14-10) (Action)

7. PCC Proposal to Establish a New Upper-Division Certificate in Leadership Studies (Senate Doc. No. 13-14-12) (Action)

8. Special Order of the Day

Bradley Hatfield 
Chair, Joint Provost/Senate APT Guidelines Task Force 
Progress Report & Guiding Principles

9. Special Order of the Day

Kumea Shorter-Gooden 
Chief Diversity Officer & Associate Vice President 
Revisions to the Search & Selection Guidelines

10. New Business

11. Adjournment

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