April 4, 2013 Meeting
3:15 PM-5:30 PM
Colony Ballroom (2nd Floor) of the Stamp Student Union
Click on Links below to view supporting documents.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the February 14, 2013, Senate Minutes (Action)
3. Report of the Chair
4. Implementation of the Policy On Smoking At USM Institutions (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-07) (Action)
5. PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Finance (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-46) (Action)
6. Special Order of the Day
Bradley Hatfield
Chair, Joint Provost/Senate APT Guidelines Task Force
Feedback on the Task Force's Charge
7. Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Policies & Procedures (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-41) (Action)
9. Calculation of Commencement Honors (Senate Doc. No. 12-13-03) (Action)
13. New Business
14. Adjournment