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Senate Bill 22-23-25

Bill ID: 22-23-25
Name: Slates for the 2023 Transition Elections
Sponsor: Nominations Committee
Proposal: According to the Senate Bylaws, the Nominations Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership of the Senate and shall present to the Chair of the Senate by April 15:

(1) A slate of at least two candidates per seat from each constituency for elected membership on the Executive Committee, including those incumbent elected members who are eligible and willing to stand for reelection,

(2) Slates of candidates to replace the outgoing members of the Committee on Committees, the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), the University Athletic Council, and the Council of University System Faculty (CUSF), and any other committees as required by these Bylaws, including at least one nominee for each position to be filled, and

(3) A minimum of two candidates for the office of Chair-Elect.

Before reporting to the Chair of the Senate, the Nominations Committee shall secure the consent of all candidates in writing. A brief statement of each candidate's qualifications shall be sent to the voting membership of the incoming Senate ten working days before the Transition Meeting of the Senate
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 05/24/2023


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2023-04-25
Decision Date: 2023-05-24
Actions: The Senate will vote on the Transition Slates for elected committees and councils between May 9th and May 12th. The results of the elections were announced on May 12th, with the exception of two seats. The non-exempt seat on SEC resulted in a tie and the undergraduate seat on the Committee on Committees was redone due to a technical error.

A runoff election was held to determine the non-exempt seat on the SEC. This ended on May 22nd in a tie. As per Senate bylaws, the Chair is responsible for breaking a tie.

A special election was held to determine the undergraduate seat for Committee on Committees. This resulted in a tie. A runoff election was held to determine a winner between the two candidates with the highest amount of votes. The runoff election ended on May 24th. The results of both elections were announced on May 25, 2023.
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2023-04-21
Decision Date: 2023-04-28
Actions: Senate Chair Newman approved the slates on 4/13. The SEC voted to place the item on the agenda of the May 9, 2023 Senate meeting for consideration.
Next Step: Senate Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Nominations Committee
Received: 2023-01-09
Decision Date: 2023-05-31
Decision: The Nominations Committee voted to forward its recommendations to the Senate Chair for consideration.
Actions: The Nominations Committee began recruitment efforts in January 2023. The committee sent announcements for self-nominations to all continuing & incoming faculty, staff, and student Senators. The Nominations Committee met on four separate occasions to discuss nominees and recruitment efforts.

Members of the Nominations Committee reached out to eligible candidates for all open seats and obtained written consent of all nominees, in accordance with the Senate Bylaws. The Nominations Committee endeavored to create balanced slates with representation from across campus.

On 5/31/23, the Nominations Committee decided to approve the slates for Senate Chair consideration.
Next Step: SEC Review
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