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Senate Bill 07-08-20

Bill ID: 07-08-20
Name: Medical Amnesty
Proposed: 10/20/2007
Sponsor: Anastacia Cosner
Proposal: This proposal discussed the need for a Good Samaritan policy, and was submitted to Boden Sandstrom, Chair of the Student Conduct Committee, from Anastacia Cosner, Undergraduate Student and member of Student Conduct Committee 2007-2008.
Active? No
Related Bills:


Status: Completed
Completed On: 03/10/2011


Status: Approved
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2011-02-23
Decision Date: 2011-03-02
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2011-02-09
Decision Date: 2011-02-16
Decision: The SEC voted to place the report on the March 2, 2011 Senate agenda.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Student Conduct Committee
Received: 2010-11-09
Decision Date: 2011-01-26
Decision Due By: 2011-03-28
Decision: The SCC voted to approve its recommendations and send them to the Senate Executive Committee for consideration.
Actions: The SCC met to discuss the charge on December 2, 2010. Steve Glickman, Student Government Association (SGA) President, and Irina Alexander, undergraduate Student Senator and former President of Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, joined the committee at the meeting to discuss the charge.

The SCC met on January 26, 2011 and decided that it is clear that the current Responsible Action Protocol is not viewed as sufficient by the undergraduate student body. The committee decided that if changing the practice from a protocol to a policy will encourage more students to call for help when needed, then the establishment of a policy is necessary and appropriate at this time. In conjunction with the Office of Student Conduct, the SCC created a draft policy and the SCC voted unanimously to approve recommending the draft policy be adopted.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2010-10-20
Decision Date: 2010-10-27
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Student Conduct Committee with further review of the issue.
Actions: Dr. John Zacker presented a report on behalf of the Office of Student Conduct at the SEC meeting on October 27, 2010. The SEC discussed the report and voted to charge the Student Conduct Committee with further review.
Next Step: Student Conduct Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Office of Student Conduct
Received: 2010-03-12
Decision Date: 2010-10-27
Decision: The Office of Student Conduct completed its review and decided to report to the SEC at its October meeting.
Actions: The Office of Student Conduct continued its work during the one-year trial period. The Office of Student Conduct presented its report as an informational item to the Student Conduct Committee on September 15, 2010 and submitted its report to the Senate Executive Committee for consideration at its October 27, 2010 meeting.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2010-03-03
Decision Date: 2010-03-10
Decision: The SEC granted the request for additional time to collect data.
Actions: The SEC granted the request for an extension for the Office of Student Conduct. The Office of Student Conduct will submit its evaluation in Fall 2010.
Next Step: Office of Student Conduct Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Office of Student Conduct
Received: 2009-05-15
Decision Date: 2010-02-02
Decision Due By: 2010-04-01
Decision: The Office of Student Conduct decided to requiest an extension to collect data.
Actions: The Division of Student Affairs received the recommendations from President Mote and requested that the Office of Student Conduct take action on the issue and report back to the SEC. The Office of Student Conduct needed additional time to gather data. The chair of the Student Conduct Committee decided to request an extension from the SEC to allow the Office of Student Conduct to collect sufficient data.
Next Step: SEC Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: President Mote
Received: 2009-05-01
Decision Date: 2009-05-15
Decision: President Mote decided to forward the recommendations to the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Student Discipline
Actions: President Mote reviewed the recommendations from the Senate. President Mote drafted a memo stating that the Senate's recommendations would be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Student Discipline.
Next Step: Division of Student Affairs Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2009-04-16
Decision Date: 2009-04-23
Decision: The Senate voted in favor of adopting three resolutions in response to the report of the Student Conduct Committee.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2009-04-14
Decision Date: 2009-04-14
Decision: The SEC voted to place the report on the agenda of the April 23, 2009 Senate meeting with additional resolutions.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the report from the SCC and voted to approve placing it on the agenda of the April 23, 2009 Senate meeting for consideration. However, the SEC also voted to develop additional resolutions to send to the Senate for consideration as well. Ken Holum, Senate Chair, agreed to draft resolutions to be attached to the SCC's report.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Student Conduct Committee
Received: 2008-12-12
Decision Date: 2009-04-09
Decision: The SCC voted to send its recommendations forward to the SEC for consideration.
Actions: The SCC reviewed the charge from the SEC and formed a Good Samaritan Policy Working Group to gather information discussed in the charge from the SEC.

The SCC received a report from the Good Samaritan Policy Working Group at its meeting on March 27, 2009. The working group made several recommendations to the committee regarding development of a policy, procedures, and educational initiatives related to medical amnesty. The SCC voted to accept the recommendations in the Working Group's report and task the Office of Student Conduct with developing a policy.

The Office of Student Conduct developed an administrative protocol document on promoting responsible action in medical emergencies. The SCC reviewed the administrative protocol document on April 9, 2009 and voted to recommend that it be adopted. The SCC voted to forward its recommendations to the SEC for consideration.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2008-03-01
Decision Date: 2008-12-11
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Student Conduct Committee with additional review of this issue.
Actions: The SEC reviewed a memo from Linda Clement, Vice President for Student Affairs, on the status of the implementation of the recommendations from the SCC. The memo outlined the actions the Division has taken, and explained the Division's planned next steps for continuing to consider and implement the recommendations.

At the October 22, 2008 SEC meeting, the SEC discussed the status of the medical amnesty issue. The SEC determined that further review of this issue was needed and decided to develop a new charge for the Student Conduct Committee to revisit the issue, in consultation with the chair of the committee.

Linda Clement, Vice President for Student Affairs, presented a Special Order of the Day on Student Alcohol Use at UMCP: Issues and Solutions at the Senate meeting on December 11, 2008.
Next Step: Student Conduct Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Vice President for Student Affairs
Received: 2008-02-29
Decision: The Vice President for Student Affairs decided to submit a status update to the SEC.
Actions: Linda Clement, Vice President for Student Affairs, reviewed the recommendations and decided to provide a status update on each of the Student Conduct Committee's recommendations to the SEC.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2008-02-12
Decision Date: 2008-02-19
Decision: The SEC voted to send the recommendations to the Division of Student Affairs.
Actions: The SEC determined that this issue requires administrative action, and voted to forward the Student Conduct Committee's recommendations to Linda Clement, Vice President for Student Affairs.
Next Step: Division of Student Affairs Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Student Conduct Committee
Received: 2007-11-05
Decision Date: 2008-02-12
Decision: The Student Conduct Committee voted to send its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The Student Conduct Committee researched Medical Amnesty Policies (MAP) and met to discuss the issue. The committee concluded that there was insufficient data to change to Code of Student Conduct. The committee voted to approve recommendations to send forward to the SEC, including a recommendation to work with the UM Alcohol Coalition to survey students in order to gain empirical data regarding circumstances that would require students to use medical amnesty.
Next Step: Senate Executive Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2007-10-20
Decision Date: 2007-10-25
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Student Conduct Committee with reviewing the proposal.
Actions: The SEC reviewed a proposal from undergraduate Student Senator Anastacia Cosner on "Good Samaritan" policies, which will be referred to in Senate deliberations as Medical Amnesty policies. The SEC voted to charge the Student Conduct Committee with review of the proposal.
Next Step: Student Conduct Committee Review
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