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Senate Bill 22-23-14

Bill ID: 22-23-14
PCC ID: 21097
Name: PCC Proposal to Establish a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Climate Policy and Action
Proposed: 10/28/2022
Sponsor: PCC Committee
Proposal: The School of Public Policy proposes to establish a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Climate Policy and Action. This graduate certificate program will train professionals to assess, design, and implement effective strategies and actions to address climate change. The program will focus on concepts and skills relevant for mitigating climate change and building resilience to its impacts. The certificate will address policy approaches and actions at all governance levels and by all actors—public and private. Students will gain practical skills related to analysis, effective communication and transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches towards complex climate and sustainability problems.

This twelve-credit program will be offered on campus and through online delivery. The program will have the following course requirements:

PLCYXXX Climate Policy for a 1.5C World - 3 Credits. (This is a new course that will be numbered and put through the course review process after program is approved)
PLCY798W Thriving in a Changing Climate: Policies and Actions for Climate Resilience - 3 Credits
One of the following three-credit courses:
PLCY742 Environmental Ethics
PLCY798K Integrated Human Earth Systems Modeling and Analysis
PLCY798N Energy and Climate Economics
PLCY699B Intersections of Technology and Policy: Modernizing the Energy System
Relevant Elective Course - 3 Credits.

The program is expected to attract a diverse student body – including mid-career professionals from public agencies at the national and state level, multinational organizations, NGOs, and from private sector organizations such as energy and environmental companies. The program may also be attractive to students currently in the graduate degree programs at the School of Public Policy and graduate students in STEM programs at UMD.

The School of Public Policy currently offers a Master of Public Policy, a Master of Public Management, and other graduate certificate programs that are offered both in-person and online. Tuition revenue will be used to cover administrative costs and the cost of the new courses for the program.

The proposal was approved by the Graduate School PCC committee on October 28, 2022, and the Senate Programs, Curricula, and Courses committee on November 4, 2022.
Active? No


Status: Completed


Status: Complete
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2022-11-30
Decision Date: 2022-12-07
Decision: The Senate voted to approve this proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2022-11-09
Decision Date: 2022-11-16
Decision: The SEC voted to place the proposal on the agenda of the December 7, 2022 Senate meeting for consideration.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee
Received: 2022-10-28
Decision Date: 2022-11-04
Decision: The PCC Committee voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The committee considered this proposal at its meeting on November 4, 2022. Tom Kennedy and Nina Harris from the School of Public Policy presented the proposal and answered questions from the committee. The committee approved the proposal.
Next Step: SEC Review
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