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Senate Bill 22-23-07

Bill ID: 22-23-07
PCC ID: 22006
Name: PCC Proposal to Rename the Ph.D. in "Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation" to "Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics"
Proposed: 09/30/2022
Sponsor: PCC Committee
Proposal: The College of Education’s Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology proposes to change the name of its doctoral program in "Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation" to "Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics". After determining that the current name no longer accurately reflects the full scope of the program’s activities, the faculty voted unanimously to change the program’s name. Incorporating “Quantitative Methodology” into the program title reflects the broader applications of the skills and knowledge students gain from the program, whereas retaining “Measurement and Statistics” in the title links the program to its past identity as a program that applies methods research to educational problems. The program faculty have detected some confusion in the past several years as different constituents refer to the program in different ways, some referring to it by its technical name of “Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation,” or its traditional acronym EDMS, and some referring to it as “Quantitative Methodology,” because of its alignment with the name of the department. The new title, “Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics,” will rebrand the program under one title that reflects its traditional, current, and future activities. Separate proposals have been submitted in order to rename all of the graduate programs in “Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation” to “Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics”.

The proposal was approved by the Graduate School PCC committee on September 29, 2022, and the Senate Programs, Curricula, and Courses committee on October 7, 2022.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 01/05/2023


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2022-10-26
Decision Date: 2022-11-02
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2022-10-11
Decision Date: 2022-10-18
Decision: The SEC voted to place the proposal on the agenda of the November 2, 2022 Senate meeting for consideration.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee
Received: 2022-09-30
Decision Date: 2022-10-07
Decision: The PCC Committee voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The committee considered this proposal at its meeting on October 7, 2022. Ji Seung Yang from the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology presented the proposal and answered questions from the committee. The committee approved the proposal.
Next Step: SEC Review
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