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Senate Bill 20-21-32

Bill ID: 20-21-32
Name: Amendment to the University of Maryland Grading Symbols and Notations Used on Academic Transcripts Policy
Proposed: 01/12/2021
Sponsor: Mary Ann Rankin, Senior Vice President & Provost
Proposal: Amend the current University of Maryland Grading Symbols and Notations Used on Academic Transcripts Policy III-6.20(A) to make the minimum for a Pass equivalent to a "C-" instead of the current "D-".

The current minimum grade, prevents students from using P/F for LEP gateway courses, advancement in hierarchical course series, and other prerequisite situations.

Changing to the C- minimum for a P would allow more opportunities to use the P/F system without the associated concerns about adversely affecting students’ progress towards mastery of their chosen major and doing real harm to a student’s academic or professional progress and it reduces concerns related to accreditation boards, graduate programs or employers accepting multiple semesters of P grades.

The majority of our peer and other Big10 institutions [62.5%] have their P/F grading system, so that P = A,B,C (-).
Active? No
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Status: Completed
Completed On: 01/22/2021


Status: Complete
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2021-01-14
Decision: The SEC voted to act on the Senate's behalf to approve the amendment to the University of Maryland Grading Symbols and Notations Used on Academic Transcripts Policy.
Actions: In January 2021, the Senate leadership and Provost Rankin asked the SEC to consider whether changes to University policy or practice are needed to better serve the University community, both in times of emergency and in normal circumstances. The SEC met with Provost Rankin on January 12, 2021 to consider and give feedback on the proposal to amend the “Pass” minimum grade equivalent to a C- and develop emergency pass/fail guidelines (see related Senate Document #20-21-33).

The SEC voted to act on behalf of the Senate to approve the amendment. The SEC's recommendation was forwarded to the President for his approval on an interim basis, pending formal Senate review so that the revisions to the policy could be approved in time to take effect by the Spring 2021 semester.

In addition, the SEC voted to charge the Academic, Planning & Standards (APAS) Committee with a review of the revision to the policy and any unintended consequences that may result from the policy revision before it is formally codified (see Senate Document #20-21-38).
Next Step: Presidential Approval
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