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Senate Bill 20-21-25

Bill ID: 20-21-25
Name: Amendments to Provisions on Minutes within the Senate Bylaws
Proposed: 11/03/2020
Sponsor: Pamela Lanford, Past Senate Chair, and Nathan Sparks, Senator, Non-Exempt Staff
Proposal: In Fall 2020, the Senate Office received two separate amendments to the Bylaws of the University Senate that address concerns related to alignment of the language in the Bylaws (5.3.b., 7.3.c., and 11.1.a.) regarding minutes to current practice. One of the amendments also included a provision that Senate meeting recordings would supersede the minutes if there are discrepancies. The amendments were submitted to the Senate for consideration at the November 10, 2020 Senate meeting under New Business.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 11/12/2020


Status: Complete
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2020-11-03
Decision Date: 2020-11-10
Decision: The Senate voted to approve an amendment to the Bylaws.
Actions: The Senate considered amendments to the Bylaws of the University Senate submitted by two Senators at its meeting on November 10, 2020. The proposed amendments were mainly the same, with an additional sentence being proposed in one of the amendments. In accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, the Senate considered the least inclusive amendment first and the most inclusive amendment last. The Senate voted to approve an amendment to modify text related to the content of minutes for the Senate, Senate committees, and the Special Committee on University Finance. The Senate considered an amendment to add a statement that the recordings of Senate meetings supersede the minutes, but voted to reject the amendment.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
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