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Senate Bill 19-20-37

Bill ID: 19-20-37
Name: Apportionment of the University Senate
Proposed: 01/21/2020
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee
Proposal: The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) requests that the Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee calculate the apportionment of all Senators in the University Senate as part of the 5-year review cycle for apportionment.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 12/08/2020


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2020-12-01
Decision Date: 2020-12-08
Decision: The SEC approved the new apportionment and asked the Senate Office implement the new apportionment in the 2020-2021 election cycle. The Senate reviewed the report as an information item.
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2020-11-12
Decision Date: 2020-11-18
Decision: The SEC voted to accept the report and send it to the Senate Office for implementation in the next election cycle.
Actions: The SEC noted that some of the IRPA data needed to be updated to reflect the correct number of tenure/tenure track faculty members. This report was updated with this information before being sent to the Senate.
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee
Received: 2020-01-29
Decision Date: 2020-11-04
Decision Due By: 2020-11-06
Decision: The ERG Committee voted to forward its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The ERG Committee began work on the charge in spring 2020, when it consulted with the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment on the data necessary to apportion the Senate.

The ERG Committee reviewed all constituency categories, definitions, and population data from spring 2020, and calculated the apportionment in November 2020. The committee voted to approve the revised apportionment and send its recommendations forward to the SEC for review.
Next Step: SEC Review
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