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Senate Bill 19-20-33

Bill ID: 19-20-33
Name: Review of the University of Maryland Policy on Threatening and Intimidating Conduct
Proposed: 11/25/2019
Sponsor: Senate Office
Proposal: In 2017-2018, the Joint President/Senate Inclusion & Respect Task Force considered how best to nurture a climate that is more respectful and inclusive of all members of our campus community. At the conclusion of its work, the Task Force proposed a series of recommendations that were approved by the Senate and the President. These recommendations called for the adoption of a new Policy on Threatening and Intimidating Conduct, and recommended that the Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Committee be charged with a review of the policy's implementation in fall 2019. The review was intended to assess the policy's efficacy and recommend any necessary adjustments.
Active? Yes
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Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee
Received: 2019-12-02
Decision Due By: 2020-03-06
Actions: The EDI Committee worked on the charge throughout the Spring 2020 semester. It consulted with the Director of Bias Incident Support Services and various stakeholders responsible for implementing the policy. The EDI Committee developed proposed revisions to the policy and solicited additional feedback from stakeholders. In order to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to find common ground and an opportunity for the incoming President to provide his perspective before the revisions are finalized, the committee plans to postpone its work on the charge until the Fall 2020 semester.
Next Step: SEC Review
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