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Senate Bill 18-19-21

Bill ID: 18-19-21
Name: Proposal on Support for Students Dealing with Difficult Life Conditions
Proposed: 10/04/2018
Sponsor: Karima Michelle Holland, Student
Proposal: Description of Issue
• Lack of mental health resources at the University of Maryland
• Current resources are often tied to rigorous criteria for applicability
• Needs of large masses not being met in timely manner due to scarcity of mental health support
• Students with certain insurances are require to pay out of pocket expenses for University Health Center services presenting a economical disadvantage to utilize support
• Individuals that identify with marginalized groups are often not able to be assisted under current system of procedures
• Lack of understanding and knowledge from University of Maryland officials about what resources and support are offered by the University of Maryland community
• Students’ experiences at the University of Maryland and the assistance they are able to receive or lack thereof, are dependent on unique life conditions many have no control over
• Burdensome and demanding pathways while pursuing academic accommodations
• Title IX refusal to accommodate/assist individuals whose suspect is not affiliated with University
• Prolonged intake processes at Disability Support Services prevent and discourage students with impairments from utilizing support offered by Accessibility and Disability Support Services
• Absence of University Policy defining scope of a University professors discretion
• Absence of University Policies and Protocols regarding students dealing with difficult life conditions

Description of Change:
Addendum added to end of faculty handbooks requiring them to work with students dealing with difficult life conditions
• Addendum would help control overflow of students being pushed towards campus resources, that without a doubt are terribly flawed
• Addendum is a very simple statement that serves as a barrier of protection for students across all backgrounds and life experiences

• Process could be supervised by and added to duties of Ombuds person, who primarily handles conflict resolutions on campus
• Requires no monetary expenses
• No major changes/any changes to current University of Maryland system

Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 08/28/2020


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2020-08-13
Decision Date: 2020-08-19
Decision: The SEC reviewed the response to the proposal as an information item.
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Office of Faculty Affairs, Graduate School, Office of Undergraduate Studies
Received: 2018-11-16
Decision Date: 2020-08-06
Decision: All three offices agreed to support and disseminate information on the Graduate School's Red Folder Initiative.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2018-11-09
Decision Date: 2018-11-16
Decision: The SEC voted to forward the proposal to the Office of Faculty Affairs, the Graduate School, and the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
Next Step: Office of Faculty Affairs, Graduate School, Office of Undergraduate Studies Review
Related Files:
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