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Senate Bill 18-19-12

Bill ID: 18-19-12
Name: BOR Staff Awards 2018-2019
Proposed: 08/14/2018
Sponsor: Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Proposal: The Council of University System Staff (CUSS) is accepting nominations for the 2018-2019 University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents' (BOR) Staff Awards. These awards present an excellent opportunity for USM institutions to recognize outstanding staff members. All of the USM institutions are encouraged to submit nominations for the BOR Staff Awards. The awards represent the highest honor bestowed by the BOR for the achievements of Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff employees.

In accordance with BOR Policy, the nominations must be reviewed at each institution before submission to the CUSS Awards Review Committee. At the University of Maryland, the Senate Staff Affairs Committee (representative of all classifications of employees at UMD) reviews all nomination packages and submits recommendations to the President. The President will send recommendations to the CUSS Awards Review Committee. The CUSS Awards Review Committee will then select the final candidates to be submitted to the BOR. Recipients will be announced in summer 2019 with formal presentation of the award recipients by the BOR in early fall 2019.
Active? No


Status: Completed


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Board of Regents
Received: 2019-06-03
Decision Date: 2019-07-11
Actions: The Board of Regents reviewed recommendations from CUSS.

It announced winners in July 2018. A formal presentation of the awards will be scheduled by the BOR for fall 2019.

UMD staff won two of the awards:

Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to which the Person Belongs: Margaret Gibbs (Counseling Center)

Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment:
Valencia Tirado (Dining Services)
Next Step: Formal presentation of recipients.

Status: Complete
Reviewer: CUSS
Received: 2019-02-08
Decision Date: 2019-06-03
Actions: The CUSS Awards Review Committee reviewed the nomination packages from all USM Institutions, and submitted its recommendations to the BOR.
Next Step: Board of Regents Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: President Loh
Received: 2019-01-22
Decision Date: 2019-02-08
Decision Due By: 2019-02-08
Decision: President Loh confirmed and endorsed the nominations as recommended by the Senate Staff Affairs Committee.
Actions: President Loh reviewed the nomination materials as submitted by the Staff Affairs Committee and drafted the required presidential endorsement letters.
Next Step: CUSS Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Staff Affairs Committee
Received: 2018-08-14
Decision Date: 2019-01-22
Decision Due By: 2019-02-08
Decision: The Staff Affairs Committee forwarded its recommended finalists to President Loh.
Actions: The Staff Affairs Committee began discussing the awards process at its meeting on September 21, 2018. It established November 16 as the campus deadline, and formed a subcommittee to review the nomination packets.

Members of the campus community submitted a total of 18 nomination packets (16 exempt and 2 non-exempt). The subcommittee initially met on December 5, 2018, to discuss the review process. Judi Gorski was elected chair. Each member reviewed every nomination packet using both qualitative and quantitative evaluation forms. The subcommittee met again on December 17, 2018, to select finalists. The subcommittee sent suggested revisions to the nominators of each finalist. Revised materials were submitted by all nominators in December and January.

The subcommittee presented its recommended finalists to the Staff Affairs Committee on January 18, 2019. The committee voted to approve the subcommittee's recommendations; the names and materials of the recommended finalists were forwarded to President Loh for his consideration on January 22, 2019.
Next Step: Presidential Review
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