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Senate Bill 17-18-11

Bill ID: 17-18-11
Name: Prohibition of Symbols of Hate and Intimidation in Campus Facilities
Proposed: 09/12/2017
Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee
Proposal: In May 2017, the Athletic Council made a statement that the explicit terms “ropes and nooses” be added to the list of items banned at University of Maryland Athletic events. This is a clarification of existing policy because nooses are considered to be included within the categories of “weapons” and “intimidating actions” that are already explicitly banned.

The Athletic Council also encouraged an ongoing campus conversation to
investigate and develop strategies to foster an inclusive and welcoming
university environment.

In light of this action, the Senate Executive Committee will decide if a committee should be charged with considering whether a prohibition of symbols of hate and intimidation should extend to all campus facilities.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 03/08/2018


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2018-03-01
Decision Date: 2018-03-08
Decision: The Senate reviewed the report as an informational item.
Actions: The report was presented at the Senate meeting.
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2018-02-14
Decision Date: 2018-02-20
Actions: The SEC voted to send the report to the March 8, 2018, Senate meeting as an informational item.
Next Step: Senate
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Campus Affairs Committee
Received: 2017-09-19
Decision Date: 2018-02-07
Decision Due By: 2018-03-30
Decision: The Campus Affairs Committee voted to send a final report to the SEC.
Actions: The committee began by consulting with several key stakeholders to better understand current practice and the motivation behind recent revisions Athletics' Fan Code of Conduct. These included the Chair of the Athletics Council, the Chief of Police, the Director of the Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM), and a representative of the Office of General Counsel.

It reviewed existing policies, including the University of Maryland Non-Discrimination Policy & Procedures and the University System of Maryland (USM) Policy on Acts of Violence & Extremism, and considered the response protocols used by the Department of Resident Life when there are incidents involving symbols of hate and intimidation in residence halls. The committee reviewed data on verified reports involving symbols or objects of hate and intimidation provided by the University of Maryland Police Department and the OCRSM. The committee also consulted with the Office of Staff Relations and the Faculty Ombuds Officer.

It investigated policies at Big 10 and other peer institutions. In addition to consulting with the co-chairs and members of the Joint President/Senate Inclusion & Respect Task Force, committee members attended forums where students, faculty, and staff discussed the campus climate and the pain caused by hateful words and actions.

At its February 7, 2018, meeting, the Campus Affairs Committee unanimously voted not to recommend the adoption of a campus-wide ban on symbols or objects of hate and intimidation.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2017-09-12
Decision Date: 2017-09-19
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Campus Affairs Committee with considering the issue.
Actions: The Senate Executive Committee considered the Athletic Council's determination and voted to charge a committee with considering whether a prohibition of symbols of hate and intimidation should extend to all campus facilities.
Next Step: Campus Affairs Committee Review
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