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Senate Bill 16-17-27

Bill ID: 16-17-27
Name: Senate Representation of Undergraduate Students in the College of Information Studies and the School of Public Policy
Proposed: 02/08/2017
Sponsor: Senate Office
Proposal: As a result of the approval of new undergraduate programs in the College of Information Studies (INFO) and the School of Public Policy (PLCY), the Senate Office proposes adding two new undergraduate student senator seats. The University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared Governance (Plan) states that "Each College or School with undergraduate enrollment and the Office of Undergraduate Studies shall be represented by at least one undergraduate student Senator" (Article 3.4a). Because INFO and PLCY did not have undergraduate programs prior to 2016, no seats for undergraduate students were created. The undergraduate programs in INFO and PLCY now have students enrolled and thus require representation on the Senate in accordance with the Plan.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 02/15/2017


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2017-02-15
Decision Date: 2017-02-15
Decision: The SEC voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The SEC voted to approve the addition of two undergraduate seats for students in the School of Public Policy and the College of Information Studies. The SEC sent its recommendation to the Senate Office for implementation. The new seats were added in the Spring 2017 elections for the 2017-2018 Senate term.

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee
Received: 2017-02-08
Decision Date: 2017-02-14
Decision Due By: 2017-02-15
Decision: The committee voted to forward its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The ERG Committee voted to approve the addition of two undergraduate seats to the Senate to allow for representation of the undergraduate students in the newly-established programs in the School of Public Policy and the College of Information Studies. This aligns with the representation rules outlined in the University of Maryland Plan of Organization for Shared Governance.
Next Step: SEC Review
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