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Senate Bill 15-16-28

Bill ID: 15-16-28
Name: Review of the Interim University of Maryland Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures
Proposed: 03/17/2016
Sponsor: President's Office
Proposal: The Interim University of Maryland Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures were approved by President Loh on October 1, 2015 to replace the existing University of Maryland Code on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. The policy was subsequently amended on March 21, 2016. This new policy align with federal laws/regulations and the University's administrative structure. The interim policy was forwarded to the University Senate for review and consideration.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 05/06/2016


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2016-04-21
Decision Date: 2016-04-28
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the policy.
Actions: The Senate reviewed the EDI Commmittee's recommendations and voted to approve the policy at its April 28, 2016, meeting.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2016-04-12
Decision Date: 2016-04-19
Decision: The SEC voted to send the proposal to the Senate for review.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee
Received: 2016-03-21
Decision Date: 2016-04-04
Decision: The EDI Committee voted to send its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The EDI Committee reviewed the non-discrimination policy at its meetings in March and April 2016. The committee reviewed other non-discrimination policies and met with the Office of General Counsel, the Title IX Coordinator, and other university officials during the discussion. The committee voted in favor of sending its recommendations to the SEC for review following their April 4, 2016, meeting.
Next Step: SEC Review
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