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Senate Bill 14-15-30

Bill ID: 14-15-30
PCC ID: 14036
Name: PCC Proposal to Rename the Bachelor of Science in Operations Management to Operations Management and Business Analytics
Proposed: 03/06/2015
Sponsor: PCC Committee
Proposal: The Operations Management major is requesting a name change to Operations Management and Business
Analytics because it better describes the evolving nature of the field and the relationship between Operations
Management and Business Analytics.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 08/03/2015


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2015-04-01
Decision Date: 2015-04-08
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2015-03-13
Decision Date: 2015-03-24
Decision: The SEC voted to place the proposal on the agenda of the April 8 Senate meeting for consideration.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee
Received: 2015-02-27
Decision Date: 2015-03-11
Decision: The committee voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The PCC Committee reviewed this item in March 2015. The committee reviewed the proposal and supplementary information via email, due to inclement weather. The committee voted via email to approve the proposal.
Next Step: SEC Review
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