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Senate Bill 14-15-22

Bill ID: 14-15-22
Name: Revision of the University of Maryland Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedure
Proposed: 01/13/2015
Sponsor: Ann Smith
Proposal: The policy V-1.00(A) University of Maryland Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedure has not been revised since 1991. The policy does not reflect the current expectations of faculty that are indicated in the Faculty Handbook, the Undergraduate Catalog, and that are in current practice across the campus.

Revise the V-1.00(A) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE to address current expectations of faculty who are teaching undergraduate courses.

Proposed revised policy is attached.
Revisions draw from information presented in the Faculty Handbook (Syllabus Guidelines section (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) and the Attendance and Assessment section of the Undergraduate Catalog (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

The proposed revised policy includes an expectation that the course syllabus &quot;will include reference to University policies relevant to Undergraduates.&quot; This suggested revision is derived from the expectation indicated in the Syllabus Guidelines that faculty articulate UMD policies and legal responsibilities in the course syllabus. It is suggested that in association with this policy revision, the Office of Undergraduate Studies, in collaboration and consultation with other appropriate offices, be tasked with the development of a UMD policy addendum that faculty will include with the course syllabus. The UMD policy addendum will articulate university policies and important student information that impact all students enrolled in an undergraduate course and should be referenced in the &quot;Faculty&quot; (B.1) section of the University of Maryland Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedure. The addendum will serve to provide a uniform presentation of policies to students and will allow the course syllabus to focus on course specific academic expectations. Policies presented in the addendum may be: Excused Absence Policy, Academic Integrity Expectations, Student Conduct Expectations, Rights for Students with Disabilities, Copyright information related to faculty copyright of course materials and student rights in relation to student generated materials .
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 04/21/2016


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2016-04-13
Decision Date: 2016-04-20
Decision: The Senate voted to approval the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2016-03-28
Decision Date: 2016-04-04
Decision: The SEC voted to forward the proposal to the Senate for review.
Actions: The SEC discussed the proposal at its April 4, 2016 meeting and voted to send the proposal to the Senate for review.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Educational Affairs Committee
Received: 2015-12-09
Decision Date: 2016-03-25
Decision: The Educational Affairs Committee voted to send its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The Educational Affairs Committee began to reconsider its work on this charge at its meeting in January 2016. The committee reviewed comments received at the Senate meeting and via email and began to discuss next steps. The committee discussed its previous recommendations and Senate comments from January-March 2016 and voted to send the revised recommendations to the SEC for review.
Next Step: SEC Review

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2015-12-02
Decision Date: 2015-12-09
Decision: The Senate voted to recommit the proposal to the Educational Affairs Committee.
Actions: The Senate discussed the proposal at its December 9, 2015 meeting and voted to recommit the proposal to the Educational Affairs Committee.
Next Step: Educational Affairs Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2015-11-16
Decision Date: 2015-11-23
Decision: The SEC voted to place the report on the December 9, 2015 Senate meeting agenda.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the report at its November 23, 2015 meeting. The SEC voted to send the report to the Senate for review.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Educational Affairs Committee
Received: 2015-02-13
Decision Date: 2015-11-05
Decision Due By: 2015-11-06
Decision: The Educational Affairs Committee submitted its report and recommendations to the SEC for Senate consideration.
Actions: The Educational Affairs Committee began discussing the proposal at its meeting on February 18th. It conducted peer institution research and met with the University Registrar to gain additional perspectives. The committee reviewed the policy language in detail during the spring 2015 semester and considered the proposed changes. The committee finalized its work on this charge in the fall 2015 semester.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2015-02-05
Decision Date: 2015-02-12
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Educational Affairs Committee to review the proposal.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the proposal at its meeting on February 12, 2015 and voted to charge the Educational Affairs Committee with its review. The SEC agreed to charge Educational Affairs with consulting with the Student Affairs Committee during its review.
Next Step: Educational Affairs Committee Review
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