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Senate Bill 14-15-05

Bill ID: 14-15-05
Name: Public Access Automated External Defibrillator Program
Proposed: 09/08/2014
Sponsor: Kyle Fratta
Proposal: There is currently no policy or written plan in place for the administrative oversight of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) on campus.
2. AEDs at the UMD are under the authority of the Fire Marshal's Office; however, the state required upkeep and documentation duties are assigned to a sole person from the University Health Center.
3. There are 19 AEDs registered through the state program (MIEMSS), however there are several AEDs on campus, in various buildings, that are not registered through the state and have no direct oversight concerning testing, maintenance, or replacing/restocking components.

A written policy should be constructed in order to out-line the program requirements; including AED Coordinator, training, AED Placement, registration though MIEMSS, equipment and maintenance, required equipment, reporting; AED protocol as per MIEMSS; attached applicable state reporting forms or links to them. Reason: With a written policy, adherence to industry and state required practices can be maximized to assure readiness of equipment.
2. A single department should be placed in charge of the AED program for purposes of state registration, training, and end user maintenance; preferably either the fire marshal's office under the Dept. of Environmental Safety or the University Health Center. Reason: With these duties falling to one department alone, they can be executed with greater efficiency and reliability to assure the readiness of equipment.

3. A general census should be taken of all AEDs at the University and any AED not registered through the state agency (MIEMSS) be registered within a feasible amount of time. Reason: Registration through MIEMSS requires that there be maintenance checks, trained lay people onsite, and reporting of AED uses/misuses in order to improve the quality and availability of AED services as well as

A committee should be formed in consultation with legal in order to write a coherent and sound policy regarding the aforementioned issues.
2. The committee formed for the policy construction could evaluate this issue and include it in the policy or escalate the issue to administrative officer of the university.
3. A census could be taken with assistance of the police auxiliary or alternatively an email sent to the entire campus requesting the self-reporting of an AED in the building of the recipient could be used.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are devices that deliver an electric shock to the heart of a victim of sudden cardiac arrest (such as those of heart attacks, etc) in order to restore a functioning heart rhythm to the patient. These devise are designed to be used by any individual as it has both auditory and visual prompts on what to do and how to deliver the lifesaving intervention. Less than 8% of individuals who go into cardiac arrest outside of the hospital live, however with the application of CPR and an AED prior to 911 EMS arrival the chance of survival triples (American Heart Association).
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 11/20/2015


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2015-11-02
Decision Date: 2015-11-10
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2015-10-23
Decision Date: 2015-10-30
Decision: The SEC voted to place the bill on the November 10, 2015 Senate agenda
Next Step: Senate Review
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Campus Affairs Committee
Received: 2014-10-06
Decision Date: 2015-09-25
Decision Due By: 2015-11-06
Decision: The Campus Affairs Committee voted to send its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The Campus Affairs Committee reviewed the charge at its meeting in November 2014. It began considering what research should be conducted before continuing to address the charge in the spring 2015 semester. The committee reviewed research in January and February 2015, and spoke with the proposer to gain additional perspective. During the spring 2015 semester, the committee met with representatives of the Department of Environmental Safety and the Fire Marshall's Office to consider whether changes to the University's program are needed. The committee also solicited input from the Health Center and Campus Recreation Services. In fall 2015, the committee met again with representatives of the Department of Environmental Safety and the Fire Marshall's Office and finalized its recommendations on the charge on September 25, 2015.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2014-09-15
Decision Date: 2014-09-22
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Campus Affairs Committee with reviewing the proposal.
Next Step: Campus Affairs Committee Review
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