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Senate Bill 13-14-38

Bill ID: 13-14-38
Name: Revisions to the University of Maryland Libraries (LIBR) APPS Section / Plan of Organization
Proposed: 12/20/2013
Sponsor: University of Maryland Libraries
Proposal: Section 11.1.c of the University's Plan of Organization stipulates that each College, or each School, and of the Library, and any revisions thereto, shall be filed with the Senate for approval or disapproval. The University of Maryland Libraries revised its Plan of Organization in 2013, and requested an exception to the required review of the APPS (appointment, promotion, and permanent status) section of the Plan. The exception was granted, and in September 2013, the revised LIBR Plan of Organization was approved by the Senate and President, and was accompanied by a memo agreeing that LIBR would submit the APPS section to the Senate for review by December 31, 2013.
Active? No
Related Bills:


Status: Completed
Completed On: 09/01/2018


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2013-12-20
Decision: Further discussion of these issues can be found under Senate Document #18-19-08.
Actions: In January 2014, the committee received the LIBR APPS section for review. The committee reviewed the APPS section of the LIBR Plan and separate documents governing the procedures of the APPS Committee. In its review, the committee determined that some information in the procedures documents should also be included within the Plan of Organization. The chair of the committee met with a representative from the Libraries to discuss the committee's concerns and ask that LIBR consider revising the section within the Plan of Organization to provide more detail. LIBR agreed to consider revisions and submit a response during the 2014-2015 academic year.

Due to considerable work needed to revise the University policy on appointment, promotion, and permanent status and to subsequently revise the internal guidelines within the Libraries, work on the APPS section of the LIBR Plan did not resume until summer 2018. Review of the APPS section in 2018 coincided with a review of a revised Plan of Organization for the Libraries. Therefore, this bill was closed and further discussion of these issues can be found under Senate Document #18-19-08, Revisions to the University of Maryland Libraries (LIBR) Plan of Organization.
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