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Senate Bill 13-14-29

Bill ID: 13-14-29
Name: Sale of Alcohol at Athletic Events
Proposed: 02/26/2014
Sponsor: Josh Ratner, Undergraduate
Proposal: Current university policy prohibits the University Intercollegiate Athletic Department from selling alcoholic beverages to the general public at athletic events, thus prohibiting the majority of athletic event attendees from consuming alcoholic beverages. As a result, many attendees consume alcoholic beverages before games or illegally bring alcoholic beverages into events. This uncontrolled and un-moderated consumption creates an unsafe environment on the University of Maryland campus.

I would like a policy amendment to permit the sale of alcohol at athletic events, making beverages available to all attendees who are legally allowed to consume alcohol. This will reduce incidences of unsafe and un-moderated drinking, attract more fans to athletic events, and generate additional revenue for the University. According to the Athletic Council Policy Manual, alcohol sales are currently limited to Byrd Stadium Suites and Heritage Hall in the Comcast Center.

At least 10% of net profits from athletic alcohol sales should go to Keep Me Maryland; at least 10% of net profits to University of Maryland mental health funding; and at least 10% of net profits to help fund on campus student tailgates.

I recommend that this proposal be sent to the Athletic Council. The Athletic Council should amend the Athletic Council Policy Manual to allow the sale of alcohol at all athletic events. The expertise of Athletic Council members can guide the logistics of how to best implement this new policy.

A committee composed of representatives from the Health Center, Counseling Center, Help Center, Active Minds, Student Government Association, and Graduate Student Government Association should determine the distribution of the mental health revenue. The Athletic Department Student Advisory Council should determine the distribution of the student tailgate revenue.

The Student Government Association, Graduate Student Government, and Residence Hall Association have all passed resolutions in support of this policy change.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 03/12/2014


Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2014-03-05
Decision Date: 2014-03-12
Decision: The proposal was forwarded to the University Athletic Council.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the proposal at its March 12, 2014 meeting.
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