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Senate Bill 13-14-09

Bill ID: 13-14-09
PCC ID: 13003
Name: PCC Proposal to Establish a Doctoral Program in Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
Proposed: 10/04/2013
Sponsor: PCC Committee
Proposal: This Ph.D. proposal makes a major curriculum change in the programs in Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI) and Education Policy and Leadership (EDPO). The proposal does not seek to create a new program; rather it proposes a major revision and renaming ofone of the two existing programs - namely, Curriculum and Instruction - and eliminating the second (EDPO). It revises 16 existing areas of study (active and inactive) into six new but related specializations in a single doctoral program to be named Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL). This streamlined program with the reduced number of specializations will allow for more collaborative curriculum planning and scheduling, while making better use of instructional resources and reducing the number of doctoral courses offered by eliminating overlap and duplication.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 06/30/2014


Status: Pending Approval
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2013-11-06
Decision Date: 2013-11-13
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
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Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2013-10-30
Decision Date: 2013-10-30
Decision: The SEC voted to send the proposal to the November 13, 2013 Senate meeting.
Next Step: Senate
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Status: Completed
Reviewer: Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee
Received: 2013-09-27
Decision Date: 2013-10-04
Decision: The PCC Committee voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The PCC Committee reviewed the proposal at its meeting on October 4, 2013, and voted to approve the proposal.
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