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Senate Bill 07-08-18

Bill ID: 07-08-18
Name: Policy on Graduate Assistants' Access to Campus Based Privileges
Proposed: 11/12/2007
Sponsor: Human Relations Committee
Proposal: In December 2006, the Senate endorsed and the President approved access to campus-based privileges for faculty and staff employees (Senate Document # 05-06-19). This policy, proposed by the Human Relations Committee, allowed all employees to designate one qualified person in the same household to be eligible for campus-based privileges. Examples of such individuals included spouses, domestic partners, and adult children of employees. However, graduate assistants who are considered students, not employees, could not be included under the original proposal. In order to address this oversight, with the assistance of the Office of Legal Affairs, the Human Relations Committee developed a revised policy to enable graduate assistants to enjoy the same privileges given to faculty and staff. This revision, however, did not specifically include graduate fellows and post-docs, so this proposal was submitted to address that oversight.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 05/13/2008


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2008-05-01
Decision Date: 2008-05-08
Decision: The Senate voted in favor of this proposal.
Actions: The Senate reviewed HRC's changes to the proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2008-04-08
Decision Date: 2008-04-08
Decision: The SEC voted to place the item on the May 8, 2008 Senate agenda.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the Human Relations Committee report and recommendations at its meeting on April 8, 2008.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Human Relations Committee
Received: 2007-10-25
Decision Date: 2007-11-12
Decision Due By: 2008-03-13
Decision: Human Relations Committee recommends changes to University policy on graduate assistants' access to campus based privileges.
Actions: The Human Relations Committee considered the issues raised at the SEC meeting on October 25, 2007. Following its review, the committee ultimately voted to forward a report with revised language regarding recognition of campus based privileges for graduate fellows and post-docs, in addition to graduate assistants.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2007-10-18
Decision Date: 2007-10-25
Decision: The SEC decided to return the proposal to the committee for further clarifications.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the proposal regarding access to campus-based privileges for graduate fellows and post-docs and voted to return the proposal to HRC for clarification regarding issues raised at the SEC meeting.
Next Step: HRC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Human Relations Committee
Received: 2007-04-19
Decision Date: 2007-04-19
Decision: The Human Relations Committee submitted a proposal to the SEC to grant graduate assistants (and their relatives) access to campus privileges.
Actions: In November 2006, during its review of Senate Document #05-06-19, Access to Campus Based Privileges, the SEC recommended not to include Graduate Assistants (GAs) in the policy based on legal objection. The counsel recommended developing a separate piece of legislation for GAs in the future.

At its April 19, 2007 meeting, the Human Relations Committee discussed how to extend campus privileges to GAs, and developed a proposal to send forward to the SEC.
Next Step: SEC Review
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