The Committee on Committees met on May 21 and May 29, 2012 to review all of the committee volunteers and their statements. The Committee on Committees had 102 membership openings to fill on the regular standing committees of the Senate, and 275 volunteers from the various constituencies on campus. The committee endeavored to create balanced standing committee memberships, representing a variety of colleges, disciplines, constituencies, and gender. The committee selected faculty, staff, and students volunteers to fill the open positions. The committee members used the volunteers' top three choices from their preference form to place them onto respective committees. The Committee on Committees members were assigned responsibilities for further recruitment as needed.
The Senate Office and the Chair of the Committee on Committees worked together to fill committee vacancies that arose following the meetings throughout the summer.
The Senate Chair-Elect worked with the Provost's Office to create a slate of candidates for the University Library Council. In accordance with the Library Council Bylaws, the slate of Library Council appointees was approved by both the Senate Committee on Committees and the Senior Vice President and Provost.
The Senate Chair worked with the Vice President for Research and Chief Research Officer and the Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer to create the slate of appointees for the University Research Council and the University IT Council. |