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Senate Bill 11-12-06

Bill ID: 11-12-06
Name: Policies on the Employment of Adjunct Faculty
Proposed: 08/29/2011
Sponsor: Juan Uriagereka, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
Proposal: USM II-1.07 Policy on the Employment of Adjunct Faculty (approved by the Board of Regents 10.3.10) requires all campuses to adopt an implementing adjunct faculty policy by 9.1.11. The attached proposed adjunct policy satisfies that request. In addition, a clarification to the existing UMCP II-1.00(F) FT and PT NTT Instructional Faculty policy is also proposed to clarify the instructional faculty constituency each policy serves (depending on whether the employee is appointed above or below 50% FTE). Because of the 9.1.11 USM deadline, both policies have been posted on the President's policy page as "interim", and pending University Senate Action in Fall 2011. However, the Senate should review the draft policies and submit them for presidential approval before they are finalized, as is normally the case.
Active? No


Status: Completed
Completed On: 03/13/2012


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2012-03-01
Decision Date: 2012-03-08
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2012-02-16
Decision Date: 2012-02-22
Decision: The SEC voted to place the item on the March 8th Senate meeting agenda
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2012-02-02
Decision Date: 2012-02-16
Actions: The FAC also reviewed suggestions from the Senate Executive Committee.

At its meeting on February 16, 2012, following deliberations, the FAC voted unanimously in favor of recommending that the University make the proposed amendments to both policies.

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2012-01-19
Decision Date: 2012-01-26
Decision: The SEC voted to send the report back to the committee for further consideration.
Actions: The SEC made several suggestions to the language of the policy for the FAC to consider.
Next Step: Faculty Affairs Committee Review
Related Files:

Status: Under Review
Reviewer: Faculty Affairs Committee
Received: 2011-09-29
Actions: The Faculty Affairs Committee discussed the charge and new interim policy at its October 6, 2011 meeting. The Committee agreed to create a working group to closer examine the policy and determine if revisions were needed. The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) reviewed these policies during the fall 2011 semester. The Committee consulted with the Office of Faculty Affairs and the President's Legal Office to ensure that the proposed amendments were appropriate. The Committee also held an open forum to get input from the affected adjunct faculty and reviewed similar policies at peer institutions.

The Adjunct Policy Working Group met on October 17, 2011 and determined revisions to the interim policy were needed. The revisions were then sent to the Legal Office to be reviewed. The Working Group will report back to the Faculty Affairs Committee once the revisions to the policy have been vetted and approved through legal.

The FAC met on December 12, 2011 and approved the amendments proposed by the working group.
Next Step: SEC Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2011-08-31
Decision Date: 2011-09-07
Decision: The SEC voted to charge the Faculty Affairs Committee with reviewing the proposal
Next Step: Faculty Affairs Review
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