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Senate Bill 10-11-08

Bill ID: 10-11-08
PCC ID: 10001
Name: PCC Proposal to Reassign the Units and Programs of the College of Chemical and Life Sciences to the College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Proposed: 08/24/2010
Sponsor: PCC Committee
Proposal: This proposal is to bring together two strong colleges, Chemical and Life Sciences (CLFS) and Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences (CMPS), in order to enhance partnerships and possibilities for new collaborations in research and education. Scientific activities that cross the boundaries between traditional disciplines are increasing rapidly, and combining these two colleges has the potential to enhance opportunities for new research collaborations and encourage the development of innovative new education programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. By combining these two colleges, the University enhances its ability to attract excellent faculty and leadership, as well as more federal, foundation, and private funding.

The integration of the two colleges calls for a multi-step process. This proposal concerns the first step: the reassignment of the four CLFS academic departments (Biology, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Entomology), one research institute (the Maryland Pathogen Research Institute), and all CLFS academic programs to CMPS. No changes to academic programs are expected as part of the integration: any future changes to academic programs will follow the normal PCC review process. There are also no changes to faculty departmental affiliations or appointments With the exception of one fewer dean and one fewer associate dean (both vacant CLFS positions that will not be filled), no reductions in staff lines are anticipated as a result of the integration, although staff reassignments within the new college may be considered.
Active? No
Related Bills:


Status: Completed
Completed On: 09/23/2010


Status: Complete
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate
Received: 2010-09-09
Decision Date: 2010-09-16
Decision: The Senate voted to approve the proposal.
Actions: The Senate reviewed the request to integrate CLFS and CMPS into one College at the September 16, 2010 Senate meeting and voted to approve this proposal.
Next Step: Presidential Approval
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
Received: 2010-08-27
Decision Date: 2010-08-31
Decision: The SEC voted to place the item on the September 16, 2010 Senate meeting agenda for consideration.
Actions: The SEC reviewed the proposal at its August 31, 2010, meeting and voted to forward the proposal to the Senate for review.
Next Step: Senate Review
Related Files:

Status: Complete
Reviewer: Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee
Received: 2010-08-23
Decision Date: 2010-08-27
Decision: The committee voted to forward its recommendations to the SEC for review.
Actions: The Committee considered the proposal at its meeting on August 27, 2010. Betsy Beise, Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs, presented the proposal to the committee and responded to questions.
Next Step: SEC Review
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