In order to solicit nominations, the Senate Office sent an announcement on behalf of the Staff Affairs Committee to all eligible staff members informing them of the open candidacy period in February 2010. Eligible staff members, as defined by the Board of Regents and CUSS, include excluded exempt and non-exempt staff members who are not in a collective bargaining unit, as well as Contingent II staff employees.
The candidacy period for nominations ran from February 18, 2010, to March 12, 2010. During that time, four eligible staff members were nominated. The Committee and Senate Office utilized a number of different tools for the publicity of this election, including FYI email announcements, the creation of a CUSS elections webpage on the Senate website, and a feature article in the Faculty/Staff newsletter, Between the Columns. Following the close of the candidacy period, the Senate Office created ballots for the election and distributed them to all eligible voters via email.
The Senate Office received votes from 103 eligible staff members during the election period from March 22, 2010, to April 5, 2010.
The Staff Affairs Committee received the final vote count at its meeting on April 5, 2010. |