Senate Bill 09-10-30
Bill ID: | 09-10-30 |
Name: | Proposal to Increase Staff Representation on the Academic Planning Advisory Committee (APAC) |
Proposed: | 12/10/2009 |
Sponsor: | Provost's Office |
Proposal: | The Provost's Office is looking to add staff members to APAC to serve as committee liaisons. The liaisons would be responsible for reviewing the formal proposals received by APAC and then determining whether any proposal requires significant input from the campus community. Staff liaisons would then solicit input from the entire staff constituency to share with APAC on the matters of relevancy. |
Active? | No |
Status: | Completed |
Completed On: | 01/19/2010 |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Senate Executive Committee (SEC) |
Received: | 2010-01-12 |
Decision Date: | 2010-01-19 |
Decision: | The SEC voted to send an administrative recommendation to the Provost. |
Actions: | The SEC discussed the proposal at its January 19, 2010 meeting and voted to send an administrative recommendation to the Provost to recommend the addition of a non-exempt staff member on APAC. |
Next Step: | Provost's Review |
Related Files: |
Status: | Complete |
Reviewer: | Staff Affairs Committee |
Received: | 2009-12-10 |
Decision Date: | 2009-12-17 |
Decision: | The committee voted to forward its recommendations to the SEC for consideration. |
Actions: | The Staff Affairs Committee met with Elizabeth Beise, Interim Associate Provost for Academic Planning & Programs on December 17, 2009. They voted to add one non-exempt staff member to APAC. |
Next Step: | SEC Review |